Ed Humpherson, Director General for Regulation, Office for Statistics Regulation writes to Neil McIvor, Head of Profession for Statistics, Department for Education.

Dear Neil,

I am writing to commend the approach you and your department have taken in publishing two of your core models as official statistics. On 28 June you published your Student Loan Forecasts, England as official statistics. This follows The Teacher Supply Model becoming official statistics in May 2017 .

We think that all analytical outputs across government and beyond should aspire to the standards set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics, most importantly, demonstrating trustworthiness, quality and public value. By producing your models as official statistics you are showing publicly that the Department for Education recognises the importance of these principles and you have taken an important step in demonstrating them. This will enhance the value and credibility of these outputs which support decision making within and outside the department.

Yours sincerely,

Ed Humpherson