Regulation blog

Ed Humpherson, the Director General for Regulation, team members at the Office for Statistics Regulation and other ad-hoc guest authors present think pieces on how the different areas of the statistical system can affect and benefit the public.

What do you do with a degree in Philosophy?

Our exploration of misleadingness brought us into insightful conversations with philosopher and PhD student, Kyle Adams, from the University of Waterloo. Together, we revisited and refined our understanding of misleadingness.…

Whose line is it anyway? Why the misleading presentation of statistics cannot be dismissed as just a matter of opinion

"Statistics may be used to provoke and to challenge the status quo; but Ofcom is entitled to insist – in the public interest – that they should not be misused…

Ed Humpherson reflects on why communicating uncertainty is a constant challenge for statisticians

In our latest blog Director General for Regulation, Ed Humpherson, reflects on why communicating uncertainty is a constant challenge for statisticians… A recurring motif of OSR reports is the need…

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