The state of the statistical system 2021/22

The State of the UK’s Statistical System 2021/22

18 July 2022
Last updated:
6 September 2022

Summary of what we would like to see


  • Intelligent transparency being the default for all statistics and data
  • Statisticians feeling confident and supported to ensure statistics are equally accessible to all and explained to aid understanding and prevent misinterpretation.
  • Data, and explanations of them, published where a user can easily find them
  • Development plans published as standard to enable all users to understand upcoming changes to statistics and help drive priorities for development.
  • Departments empowering statisticians to communicate with users, challenge the inappropriate use of statistics and support understanding of statistics.
  • Producers being proactive in considering how their statistics might be misquoted or misused and including relevant information alongside the statistics to mitigate this risk.
  • Departments ensuring that Heads of Profession have the skilled and resourced teams that they need to deliver statistics in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics.
  • Conversations with a wide range of users to identify where statistics can be ceased or reduced in frequency or detail to save resource if appropriate.
  • Use of better infrastructure, processes and systems to ensure the efficient and sustainable delivery of statistics.


  • Producers being proactive in identifying new and innovative data sources that can improve the quality of statistics and better meet user needs.
  • Producers automating more of their statistical productions using Reproducible Analytical Pipelines, in order to enhance the trustworthiness, quality and value of statistics.
  • Wider use of technology, such as computer aided classification, to enhance the quality of statistics
  • Greater use of other data sources, and linked data, to improve data accuracy and add extra value to outputs.
  • Statisticians working with others who can help ensure the quality of statistics.
  • Improved communication of the uncertainty within statistics.
  • Consideration of how uncertainty is communicated, using language that matches the complexity of the statistics presented in order to make products as accessible as possible


  • Continued timely data on the topics that matter most
  • Proactive horizon scanning for potential data gaps
  • Producers continuing to use innovative ways to make statistics more accessible to deliver insight to a wider range of users.
  • When developing dashboards and other data tools, producers to consider the questions they seek to answer, and the audience, to ensure that they provide insight.
  • A continued move to a culture within government of a willingness to share data and overcome barriers
  • Collaboration throughout the whole process to ensure definitions and methodology are consistent
  • Expansion of the Integrated Data Service to provide value for a range of stakeholders
  • Greater collaboration between statistics producers and wider stakeholders to enable statistics to better meet user needs.
  • Improvements in the inclusivity of statistics through collaboration both within the system and more broadly.
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