Thinking about quality when producing statistics

Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” – Henry Ford


Official statistics inform government, the media and the public about the issues that matter most in society. To feel confident using official statistics, people must trust them: quality has an important part to play in earning this trust.

In April, we published a review of the quality of HMRC’s official statistics. HMRC invited us to carry out this review after identifying a significant error in one of its published National Statistics. The review provided an independent assessment of HMRC’s quality management approach and identified improvements to strengthen the quality of their official statistics.

We made nine recommendations, which HMRC has welcomed. Many of the recommendations will apply to other producers – not just to strengthen the quality of official statistics, but also to improve the quality of all analytical outputs.

This blog tells the story of the review and its findings, from the perspectives of HMRC and OSR. We hope to inspire other producers to think about how they can build on their own approach to quality, to ensure statistics meet the needs of the people who use them.

Jackie Orme, Programme Lead, HMRC

In 2019 HMRC identified an error in published corporation tax receipt statistics, which led to us having to make substantial revisions. This was a serious concern both internally for HMRC and for external users of HMRC statistics. In response we undertook a number of actions, including initiating an internal audit review and inviting OSR to review the principles and processes underpinning production of our official statistics.

The review by OSR was particularly important to us as statisticians and analysts in HMRC, to draw on expert and independent advice in improving our ways of working. While some of the findings could potentially be uncomfortable, the review would support our desire to take a broad and ambitious approach to improvement and the weight of OSR’s views and advice would give credence to the need for change.

The review was carried out efficiently and we were kept well-informed about progress. The OSR review team devoted lots of time to talking to staff and stakeholders to get their input and views, across all grades and professions. This level of involvement has been helpful to us subsequently in securing initial engagement and agreement to changes across the organisation. For example, in getting active support from senior HMRC leaders to implement recommendations, such as creating a new cross-cutting team as part of our analysis function to build on our existing approach to data quality and assurance.

The review has given us the opportunity to reflect on data quality issues and the importance of having robust data to produce high quality statistics and analysis. We have built a substantial programme of work to implement the recommendations and are starting to recruit people to the new team. Some recommendations will be straightforward to implement. For example, we have already started to review our statistics outputs, in order to make sure analytical resource is being used effectively.

In contrast, other recommendations are more challenging to implement, in particular, mapping the journeys of our data within the department. This will take significant combined effort by analysts, data providers and data processors.

As highlighted in the report, HMRC has some older systems for processing and storing its administrative data and the review has been helpful in emphasising how essential it is for analysts to be involved in discussions and decisions around the design of future systems. These sorts of insights from the report have helped us build a case for increased resource and forge stronger links with data providers, to work together to improve the quality of HMRC’s statistics and analysis.

Helen Miller-Bakewell, Project Manager, OSR

We were really pleased when HMRC asked us to do this review: in doing so, it showed a proactive and open approach to strengthening the quality of its official statistics.

It’s the first time we’ve done a piece of work that looks across all of a producer’s official statistics at once – although we have now done something similar with the Defra Group (The Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs and its agencies and public bodies), with a focus on user engagement. Normally, we look at one set of statistics in detail, or we review how statistics on a topic area come together to meet user needs. This was somewhere in the middle!

To inform the review, we spoke with a wide range of people involved in the production of official statistics in HMRC; analysts working on the statistics directly, managers who oversee them and a handful of people indirectly involved in the production process, who own and supply data.

The OSR team spent about an hour with each individual or team we interviewed, during which we asked lots of questions about the production process. This helped us to understand how the quality of statistical outputs was managed in HMRC, and the challenges analysts can face.

It turned out to be a useful process for the producer teams as well, and we were asked for our question list a couple of times, to help them think about the quality of their statistics in the future. We’ve now packaged up this question list in a published guidance document, so that all producers can benefit from it.

The findings of the review highlight the issues that big operational departments working with administrative data can face with respect to quality and will ring true for other Government departments. The recommendations stress the importance of analysts fully understanding the nature and quality of data they are working with, and of building effective working relationships with data providers or managers to facilitate this.

In addition, OSR champions a broad approach to quality assurance of data and statistics, and regular reviews of publications to ensure analytical resource is being used effectively. The report emphasises the importance of having analytical leaders that champion and support changes and innovations that can enhance quality, while recognising that analysts do not operate in isolation and that long-term improvements to quality management rely on understanding, values and responsibility being shared across organisations.

We’re pleased the review has been so helpful to HMRC. We would like to thank everyone who gave their time to speak with us during the review. Their cooperation and openness were key to us arriving at findings that resonate with analysts working in HMRC and recommendations that will have a lasting positive impact on the quality of HMRC statistics.