Please see the UK Statistics Authority webpages for correspondence sent from Sir Robert Chote or Sir David Norgrove.
For all correspondence between 2008–2017 view our Archive1056 items of correspondence found
Paul Lowe response to Ed Humpherson: Guidance on the sex question in the forthcoming Census for Scotland
9 November 2020
Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Sir Patrick Vallance to Ed Humpherson – Transparency of data and information related to COVID-19
6 November 2020
Sir Patrick Vallance, HM Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
5 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Download Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Transparency of data related to COVID-19 (PDF, 0.22 MB)
Ed Humpherson to Chris Whitty: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
5 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Download Ed Humpherson to Chris Whitty: Transparency of data related to COVID-19 (PDF, 0.22 MB)
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
5 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Download Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Transparency of data related to COVID-19 (PDF, 0.22 MB)
Ed Humpherson to Sir Patrick Vallance: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
5 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Professor Roger Halliday: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
5 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Michael Cole: Assessment of Prescription Cost Analysis: England statistics
5 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Michael Cole, NHS Business Services Authority
Ed Humpherson to Paul Lowe: Guidance on the sex question in the forthcoming Census for Scotland
4 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road: Assessment of estimates of station usage as National Statistics
3 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road