Dear Senior Statistician,


We have reviewed the actions that your team has taken to address the requirements in Assessment Report number 347: Motoring Offence Statistics.

On behalf of the Board of the UK Statistics Authority, I am pleased to confirm the designation of National Statistics for the Motoring Offence Statistics, produced by Police Service of Northern
Ireland. The statistics provide relevant, trusted information about motoring offences in Northern Ireland, with a good overview of the main trends. They enable users to better understand road
safety in Northern Ireland and to develop policies that aim to improve it.

During the course of the assessment the team responsible for producing the statistics showed great commitment to the improvement of these statistics. We are really pleased by the enthusiastic and thorough approach the team has taken to meeting the requirements from the Assessment Report. We anticipate that the addition of new data and improvements to the presentation of the published statistics will add value for users and give them greater insight into the geographic distribution of motoring offences and into trends.

We have included more detail about our judgment in an annex to this letter. I, or my team, would be happy to talk you or your colleagues through any aspects of this letter or Code compliance more generally.

National Statistics status means that official statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value and is something to be celebrated. We invite you to include a statement alongside the statistics which reflects the National Statistics status.

I am copying this letter to Siobhan Carey Chief Statiscian NISRA; Ruth Fulton Head of NISRA Statistcial Branch, Chief Constable PSNI and Stephen Donnely NISRA.

Your sincerely
Ed Humpherson
Director General for Regulation


Related Links:

Request for Assessment: Northern Ireland Motoring Offence statistics

Response – Request for Assessment: Northern Ireland Motoring Offence statistics

Assessment of MOS