Dear Adam, 

Assessment of Welsh Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax Statistics

We have completed our assessment of your Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax Statistics against the Code of Practice for Statistics and judge that these statistics should be designated as National Statistics. 

We found that the statistics provide valuable insight into measuring the revenue produced by the Land Transaction Tax and Landfills Disposals Tax. The public value of LTT and LDT statistics is evident, supported by their wide use in the preparation of national fiscal forecasts and in environmental, waste management and housing policy. 

Confidence and trust in the statistics are high due to a comprehensive approach to quality assurance, which includes evolving plans for data assurance that meets with the widening needs of its users. WRA’s active engagement with its key users and continuous efforts to improve the public’s understanding and accessibility to the statistics are examples of best practice. 

National Statistics status means that official statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value and is something to be celebrated. We invite you to include a statement alongside the statistics which reflects this status. 

I would like to thank your team for its positive engagement throughout the assessment. I am copying this letter to Stephanie Howarth, Chief Statistician at Welsh Government. 

Yours sincerely, 

Ed Humpherson
Director General for Regulation