Dear Jason 

Review of Ofsted’s Statistical Publications 

I am writing to you to commend you on your review of Ofsted’s statistical publications. As you highlight in your report, a core element of the Code of Practice for Statistics is that ‘Users of statistics and data should be at the centre of statistical production; their needs should be understood, their views sought and acted on, and their use of statistics supported.’ Your review has clearly set out to ensure that this is the case in Ofsted. 

Your review has considered a range of themes that are important to ensuring that statistics provide public value including: 

  • The balance of official statistics, management information and statistical stories in meeting user needs. 
  • The expansion of the range of statistics and data you publish to meet emerging user demands. 
  • Technical elements such as the platform that they are hosted on and the usefulness for your current data exploration tool versus APIs.  

I understand that you also engaged with my team throughout the review. 

These are the types of activities that I would encourage all statistics producers to undertake to ensure that they continue to meet user needs, particularly at a time of increased user demand and pressure on resources. 

I am copying this letter to Amanda Spielman (Chief Inspector, Ofsted) and Alex Jones (Director, Insights and Research, Ofsted). 

Yours sincerely  


Ed Humpherson
Director General for Regulation