Dear Peter


Thank you for your response to our letter dated 22 April, which sets out the future publication of information on Universal Credit. Our understanding is that you will be publishing a weekly management information series summarising declarations made by individuals and households to Universal Credit and information on advance payments of Universal Credit. Data on geographical breakdowns and other characteristics will continue to be published as part of the monthly Universal Credit Official Statistics.

It is reassuring that you recognise the importance of not using unpublished information in public statements and we hope that the weekly series mitigates the risk of this issue reoccurring. We are aware that the timing of the work and pensions oral session is not aligned with the release of weekly management information and therefore Ministers may occasionally wish to refer to additional data. In these cases, you should look to ensure this additional data is made publicly available to support the statement being made.

We will continue to monitor the evolving interest in data on Universal Credit and work with your department to ensure its statistics remain aligned to the Code of Practice for Statistics

I am copying this letter to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Chief Statistician for the Department for Work and Pensions.

Yours sincerely

Ed Humpherson

Director General for Regulation


Related links

Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Universal Credit management information

Response from Peter Schofield to Ed Humpherson: Universal Credit management information