Dear Ed
Gender identity and Scottish Household Survey
There has been significant interest over the last couple of years in how we collect, analyse and use data around sex and gender. This led to the review of these issues that I’m leading in Scotland. There has been particular interest in the use of a gender identity question in the Scottish Household Survey, which was introduced in 2018.
While I’m expecting my review on sex and gender data to report over the summer, I think it would be very helpful for me and colleagues in Government for the OSR to do a compliance check on the arrangements we have in place for collecting and reporting gender identity on this survey. Ideally this would cover the work done around the introduction of this question. This would help provide assurance to me, users of this data and survey participants that this has been well handled.
Can you confirm whether this is possible, and if so, what the arrangements would be for taking this forwards.
Yours sincerely
Roger Halliday
Chief Statistician
Related Links:
Ed Humpherson response to Roger Halliday: Gender identity and Scottish Household Survey