Election 2024: Other support and guidance

We are not the only organisation who cares about transparency of evidence. Find out more below about the range of support available to help you navigate information during an election campaign.

OSR guidance:

Other regulators:

  • Advertising Standards Authority(ASA): looks at the content of television and radio advertisements.
  • Electoral Commission: oversees elections and regulates political finance in the UK.
  • Information Commissioner’s Office(ICO): the UK’s independent authority, which was set up to uphold information rights in the public interest and promotes openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.
  • Independent Press Standards Organisation(IPSO): the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK.
  • Ofcom: the regulator for communications services, which is responsible, among other things, for what people see and hear on TV and radio.
  • Campaigning for your vote hub: helping you understand how candidates, political parties and other organisations campaign for your vote.

Fact-checking organisations:

  • BBC Verify: a BBC News service that examines the facts and claims behind a story.
  • Channel 4 Fact Check: the fact-checking arm of UK’s Channel 4 newsroom.
  • Fact Check NI: Northern Ireland’s independent fact-checking service.
  • Full Fact: the UK’s independent fact-checking organisation.
