Infographics: Top Tips

Is using an infographic the best way to share your message? 


If you are thinking about using an infographic to present your statistics or data we have provided a quick checklist that lets you decide if an infographic is the best way to go whilst still meeting the expectations of OSR and the Analysis Function. 

  • Have you read the available guidance from the Government Analysis Function on data visualisation using infographics? This is a great resource for people in government who want to create and publish infographics.
  • Have you engaged with your statistical and analytical teams to understand the context of the data you want to communicate? By working in partnership with your departments analysts you can reduce the chances that your use (or misuse) of statistics becomes the story itself, rather than the key message you were trying to portray.
  • Does your chosen graph/chart meet the requirements set out by the Government Analysis function guidance? This guidance provides people in government with advice for designing charts and tables and will specify requirements about when to start an axis and what type of chart to use depending on the data you want to portray.
  • Is there a clear, easily identifiable link to the source of the data you are presenting? This is principle two within our intelligent transparency guidance. To enhance understanding and support appropriate use, sources should be communicated clearly alongside figures.
  • Are there any caveats or limitations associated with the data and if so, have you communicated them clearly? Is the level of uncertainty in the data clearly communicated? This again supports principle two of our intelligent transparency guidance [LINK]. To enhance understanding and support appropriate use, it is important appropriate explanation of context, including strengths and limitations, are communicated clearly alongside figures.
  • If you have used a thread to communicate additional information, have you considered the risks of an individual post being taken out of context to be shared more widely? What have you done to reduce the opportunity for misinformation?
    Based on the answers to the above questions, is an infographic the best way to communicate your message? If so and you have followed all the guidance available go for it! If you remain unsure contact your departments analysts who can give you their advice.
  • Is using an infographic the best way to share your message?
  • If you are thinking about using an infographic to present your statistics or data we have provided a quick checklist that lets you decide if an infographic is the best way to go whilst still meeting the expectations of OSR and the Analysis Function.