Assessment of Scottish Government’s Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels statistics

We are no longer actively seeking views about the following statistics and plan to publish our assessment shortly

We are currently assessing Scottish Government’s Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels statistics for compliance with the standards set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics. These statistics provide information on national performance in literacy and numeracy, based on all pupils in publicly funded Primary 1, Primary 4, Primary 7 and Secondary 3 classes, and for all pupils based in special schools and units.   

This assessment has been requested by Scottish Government and will focus on the Trustworthiness, Quality and Value of the statistics as set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This assessment is being conducted in order to determine whether the statistics can be granted National Statistics status. The scope of this assessment is the statistics and data published by Scottish Government on the Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels. Please note we are not assessing the Curriculum for Excellence itself.  

We want your feedback 

The Code of Practice is a regulatory framework based on the trustworthiness, quality, and value of statistics. Capturing the views of users, and potential users, forms an important part of our judgement about the statistics, including their strengths and how they could be improved.  

If you are a user of these statistics, we would like to hear from you through our online survey.

Complete our online survey by 19 May 2023


Alternatively, we would be grateful for any response to the following questions:   

  1. Which of the statistics do you use and what do you use the statistics for?  
  2. How do you usually access the latest statistics or data, for example, from the Scottish Government website, or from other media? How could access be improved?  
  3. Do the statistics meet the level of quality that is required for your needs and how you want to use them? How clear is Scottish Government about the quality of the statistics i.e., their strengths and limitations?     
  4. Are there any data gaps that you believe could be solved by improving these statistics?   
  5. Is the presentation of the statistics (through charts, tables, and commentary) helpful? How could presentation be improved?    
  6. How does Scottish Government engage with you as a user? Are there any areas where you would welcome improved engagement?  

We welcome comments on any other aspect of these statistics which you think might be relevant to our assessment.  

We will keep a record of your contact details, emails, and written correspondence with you and notes we record of any meetings with you. These records form an important part of the evidence base to help inform our regulatory judgements. Our Privacy Policy explains how we handle and protect your personal information, your legal rights and who to contact if you have any questions about how your personal information is being used.  

It will be useful for us to share your comments with Scottish Government to enable them to take account of your views. Please could you tell us whether you consent for us to pass on your comments and contact details.   

Please send any feedback to our assessors Nicky Pearce, Nisha Bunting or Emma Harrison.   

Also, if you think there are other user groups we should be talking to about these statistics, please let us know.  

We look forward to receiving your comments by 19 May 2023.