Census Phase 3 Assessment

We are now conducting the third and final phase of our assessment of the Censuses 2021 for England & Wales and Northern Ireland. This phase three assessment focuses on how well the Census 2021 statistics have met user needs.

In October 2019, we published our reports on phase one, focusing on the planning and consultation of Censuses 2021 across the UK. In November 2021, we published our phase two assessments focusing on the strategies for developing and providing outputs, for both the England & Wales Census 2021 and the Northern Ireland Census 2021.

Please note that the Scotland Census 2022 outputs will be assessed separately due to the differences in timing, however we are happy to hear any views relating to coherence of the data across the different Censuses.

We want your feedback

If you use the England & Wales and or Northern Ireland Census 2021 outputs, we would very much welcome your feedback on these statistics, including their strengths and potential areas for improvement. Please note that our online survey is now closed but we are still happy to receive feedback via regulation@statistics.gov.uk.

We are interested in your views on the following themes:

  • Output delivery: We would like to get users’ perspective on the timings, timeliness and communications of the Census 2021 outputs.
  • Outputs: We would like to understand which Census 2021 outputs users used and the extent to which users’ needs (coverage, breakdowns, and additional data etc) were met.
  • Accessibility: We would like to know how easy or difficult users found accessing and using the Census data, as well as navigating the ONS and NISRA websites.
  • Quality and methodology: We would like to know to what extent users are satisfied with the quality of the statistics, as well as the methodological information provided alongside Census 2021 outputs.
  • User engagement: We would like to know about users’ experience of engagement and communication conducted by ONS and NISRA about the Census 2021.
  • Impact of Covid: We’d like users to share their experiences of the impact of the pandemic on their use of the Census 2021 data, as well as their thoughts on the communication and engagement conducted by ONS and NISRA about the impact of the pandemic on Census 2021 outputs.