Systemic Review of Economic Statistics: Call for Feedback

The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) is undertaking a high-level, or “systemic”, review of the Office for National Statistics (ONS)’s economic statistics. These statistics include the National Accounts, business statistics, trade statistics, price statistics and labour market statistics.   

Further information about the scope of the review and the approach OSR is taking is available. 

This systemic review will build upon previous assessments of specific economic statistics carried out by OSR under its Spotlight on Quality (SoQ) programme.   

The SoQ framework focuses on four key areas: whether suitable data sources are used; the appropriateness of methods used; the transparency of quality assurance; and whether the statistics are sufficiently prioritised and resourced proportionately to their use.  

To date, OSR has conducted four SoQ assessments. The topics of these assessments include the Producer Price Index (PPI), Profitability of UK companies and Gross Operating Surplus, ONS Business Enterprise and Development statistics and NISRA Northern Ireland Business Expenditure on Research and Development statistics. A fifth assessment focusing on Business Investment statistics is scheduled to be completed later in 2024. 

In response to criticism of ONS’s revisions to estimates of the size and growth of the UK economy during the COVID-19 pandemic, OSR also conducted a rapid review of revisions of estimates of UK GDP.   

This systemic review will consider common themes that have emerged from the SoQ assessments. The review will also assess how effectively ONS has responded to the recommendations from previous reviews of its outputs, including the Independent Review of UK Economic Statistics undertaken in 2016 by Sir Charlie Bean, commonly referred to as the Bean Review.  

In addition, the systemic review will consider how well ONS has responded to new challenges that have emerged over the years since the Bean Review. 


We want your feedback 

We would welcome your views on any issues that relate to your use of ONS economic statistics and lie within the scope of the review, including your views on the following questions: 

  • Which economic statistics do you use and for what purposes? What is your overall level of satisfaction with these statistics? 
  • What further developments, if any, would increase the value of the statistics you use for you or for your work? 
  • Does ONS have a transparent process for prioritising the allocation of its resources, based on an assessment of relative costs and benefits? Is this process comprehensive? 
  • How well ONS has anticipated, and responded to, issues associated with reducing survey response rates in so far as they have affected economic statistics? 
  • How effectively ONS has exploited existing administrative data sources and used the opportunity to redesign existing surveys so that they complement administrative data? 
  • As discussed in the recent Lievesley Review of the UK Statistics Authority, has ONS been sufficiently proactive in addressing barriers to the use of administrative data? And, regarding barriers that lie outside of ONS’s control, is further action required to promote data sharing by other parts of government? 
  • How effectively has ONS communicated the strengths and limitations of its economic statistics, including uncertainty? 
  • Has the production of ONS economic statistics been appropriately timely? 
  • How does ONS engages with you as a user? Are there any areas where you would welcome improved engagement? 

We also welcome comments on any other aspect of these statistics which you think might be relevant to our review. 

We will keep a record of your contact details, any written correspondence we have with you and notes recorded during any meetings with you. These records form an important part of the evidence base to help inform our regulatory judgements. Our Privacy Policy explains how we handle and protect your personal information, your legal rights and who to contact if you have any questions about how your personal information is being used. 

It would be useful for us to share your comments with ONS to enable them to take account of your views. Please tell us whether you consent to your comments and contact details being shared. 


Please send any feedback to

Also, if you think there are other user groups we should be talking to about these statistics, please let us know.

We look forward to receiving your comments by Wednesday 28th August 2024.