Office for National Statistics’ reintroduced Labour Force Survey (LFS)-derived labour market statistics: OSR progress report, July 2024

7 August 2024
Last updated:
7 August 2024

Communication of data quality issues and improvements

5. To help users interpret the data appropriately and gain the most value from them, ONS should take a consistent and clear approach to communicating data quality issues and improvements.

Actions taken and commitments made by ONS to meet the requirement

ONS regularly provides information on the quality of its labour market statistics, both at a national and subnational level, across its bulletins and reference tables. Any quality concerns are reflected in its communication of these statistics on its website and in the media. Information is also provided in its quarterly LFS performance and quality monitoring reports.

OSR judgement

We consider this requirement to be met. This requirement identified a need for ONS to be consistent in its communications and signposting within its releases as we had highlighted inconsistencies around the NI processing error and releasing Welsh and Scottish data. ONS has made appropriate changes to address these issues.

Requirement met

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