Office for National Statistics’ reintroduced Labour Force Survey (LFS)-derived labour market statistics: OSR progress report, July 2024

7 August 2024
Last updated:
7 August 2024

Transition to the TLFS

6. To support users’ confidence during the transition to the TLFS, ONS should publish updated information setting out the principles and quality criteria it will consider in making further LFS improvements and the transition to the TLFS.

Actions taken and commitments made by ONS to meet the requirement

In its Labour market transformation update published in July 2024, ONS set out at a high level the criteria it will use to determine its readiness to transition to the TLFS. The three components of this readiness criteria include: statistical and data quality, user confidence and readiness and operational readiness. This represents more detail than it included in its April 2024 update where ONS noted that it had adjusted, refined and expanded upon its original quality criteria for transitioning to the TLFS set out in May 2023.

OSR judgement

It was good to see at the high-level criteria ONS is using to determine its readiness to transition to the TLFS and we support the general approach being taken. It would be helpful for users if more detail was provided to support this high-level explanation.

ONS also needs to provide more information for users about how it is monitoring and measuring the impact of LFS improvements on the quality of the data and statistics. This would help assure users about the direction of future developments and to what extent the statistics can be used to inform decision-making.

Action remaining

To support users’ confidence during the transition to the TLFS, ONS should provide more detail around its expanded quality criteria for transitioning to the TLFS. ONS should also provide more information on its quality criteria for improving the LFS.

7. To further support users during the transition to the TLFS, ONS should publish its plans for further improvements to the LFS as soon possible, making it easy for users to find on the website. These should include plans, priorities and progress and how its human, financial and technological resources are being used to deliver labour market statistics that serve the public good using LFS and, in future, TLFS data during this transition period.

Actions taken and commitments made by ONS to meet the requirement

ONS published an update on improvements to the LFS and progress on transitioning to the TLFS in its Labour market transformation update published on 29 April 2024 and on 18 July 2024. The most recent update published in July 2024, included progress made on the LFS recovery plan and plans for further reweighting of the LFS data based on the population projections published in January 2024. ONS has said that it will continue to provide regular joint updates on the LFS and TLFS to communicate progress and keep users informed of key decisions and progress against its plans. ONS has said that it will also continue to refer to these updates in its monthly LFS publications so that the latest information is readily available to our users.

OSR judgement

ONS’s commitment to publishing regular joint updates on its progress with LFS improvements and transitioning to the TLFS will help support users during the transition. ONS has begun to fulfil this commitment, publishing its first publication in April 2024 and another in July 2024. The transformation update is linked to from section 1 of the Labour market overview. Employment in the UK and Labour market in the regions releases published in July 2024.

We welcome ONS’s commitment to provide further updates ahead of implementing the reweighting into the LFS-based statistics, including recommendations on how best to reconcile LFS outputs. ONS has also told us that it currently intends to publish quarterly TLFS updates.

As announced by ONS, the timeline for transitioning to the TLFS has changed. ONS’s July transformation update provides some high-level information on the next steps between now and its transition to the TLFS. However, there is not much detail provided.

Action remaining

Following the changes to the timescales for the TLFS work, and to support users with the transition, ONS should publish more information setting out the transformation roadmap and regularly update it to reflect the latest information, setting out its plans for LFS improvements from now until TLFS transition and for transitioning to the TLFS. For example, it should set out when the next update will be provided. This would enable users to plan their work, ensure the most appropriate data and statistics are used to inform decisions and public understanding, and keep users engaged throughout the transition.

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