Our performance
Delivery of key commitments in our 2020/21 Business Plan | |
We uphold trustworthiness quality and value of statistics and data used as evidence | |
Challenge official statistics producers to answer society’s questions, focusing on appropriate timeliness, granularity and data linkage | |
Use rapid reviews to support producers as they develop new outputs and approaches in response to the pandemic | Fully delivered: We published 14 Rapid Reviews in 2020/21 at the request of producers. We expect the benefits gained from this approach to inform improvements to our regulatory toolkit beyond the pandemic. |
Regulatory programme looking at outputs which draw on multiple sources or can offer detailed breakdowns | Fully delivered: We consistently challenged producers to make more granular analyses available, and endorsed good practice – for example, Business Demography statistics and Scottish Prison Population statistics. This will be a continuing key theme in 2021/22. |
Systemic Reviews with a focus on society’s most important issues which cut across policy | Partially delivered: We published reviews on Post-16 Education and Skills, Mental Health, and Adult Social Care. We have reviews ongoing on Children and Young People, and Climate Change. At the invitation of HMRC, we also carried out a quality review across their statistics. |
Continued advocacy for data linkage and use of multiple sources to answer society’s most important questions | Partially delivered: We have embedded the advocacy of data linkage into our regulatory work in 2020/21. We have been building our networks with partners with common goals such as ADR UK and NAO, running joint events and planning more guest blogs. We have published Reproducible Analytical Pipelines: Overcoming Barriers to Adoption; and Unlocking the Value of Data through Onward Sharing. An update on our implementation of our data linkage recommendations is planned for 2021/22. |
Challenge official statistics producers to offer insight, clarity of communication and coherence | |
Regulatory work focuses on clarity of communication | Fully delivered: We challenged producers to provide clarity of coherence and insight and endorsed good practice across a range of statistics – for example, Rough Sleeping statistics. |
Systemic Reviews looking at whether statistics across broader topics are coherent and communicated effectively | Fully delivered: Our reviews of Defra user engagement, Post-16 Education and Skills, and Reproducible Analytical Pipelines all had strong focus in this area. Our review of Poverty statistics launched in November 2020 considers the extent to which the statistical system is providing coherent and comprehensive information required to support decision making. |
2020 Insight programme: using intelligence to identify key themes in our work that we can learn from and address across the statistical system | Partially delivered: Our discovery work has delivered a number of recommendations which are being developed into a plan for implementation. Some are quick wins, such as making improvements in the project closure report and other regulatory documents. Others are more innovative and complex and are being scheduled. |
Showing 1 to 10 of 33 entries