OSR outputs in 2023/24

Assessment Reports Published

  • 2022 Census in Scotland
  • Earnings and Employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, UK
  • Spotlight on Quality: Producer Price Indices
  • Accident and Emergency Activity Statistics in Scotland
  • Statistics about Butterflies, England and UK
  • Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels statistics
  • Accident and Emergency (A&E) Statistics in England (NHS England)
  • Spotlight on Quality: Statistics on Profitability of UK Companies and Gross Operating Surplus of Non-Financial Corporations
  • Personal Independence Payment Statistics (DWP)

Assessments Closed

  • UK Business Demography Statistics
  • Statistics on Statutory Homelessness in England (Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC))
  • Key Stage 4 Performance statistics for England
  • Statistics from the People and Nature Survey (Natural England)
  • Scottish Prison Population statistics
  • 2022 Census in Scotland
  • Accident and Emergency Activity Statistics in Scotland

Accreditations and Suspensions

New OS Accreditations

  • People and Nature Survey for England
  • 2022 Census in Scotland
  • Accident and Emergency Activity Statistics in Scotland

Confirmations of OS Accreditation

  • UK Business Demography statistics
  • Key Stage 4 performance statistics for England
  • Scottish Prison Population statistics

OS Reaccreditations

  • Statutory Homelessness in England (de-designated 2018)

Temporary Suspensions

  • Scottish House Condition Survey (Apr 2023) – suspension lifted (Feb 24)
  • Labour Market statistics derived from the ONS Labour Force Surve

Compliance Checks and Rapid Reviews

  • Domestic abuse question development (Office for National Statistics)
  • Northern Ireland Homelessness Bulletin
  • England and Wales Mortality Statistics (Office for National Statistics)
  • Benefit Sanction Statistics (Department for Work and Pensions)
  • Office for National Statistics’ transformation of the Labour Force Survey (TLFS): OSR judgment and progress report, July 2023
  • Accident and Emergency (A&E) Monthly Waiting Times Statistics (Public Health Scotland)
  • Homelessness Accommodation Provision and Rough Sleeping Monthly Management Information (Welsh Government)
  • Overseas Development Assistance Statistics (Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
  • Follow up to Compliance Check of Transformed Migration Statistics
  • Sexual Offences in England and Wales (Office for National Statistics)
  • Wild Bird Population Statistics (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
  • Inpatients, day cases and new outpatient statistics in Scotland
  • Statistics from the Adult Oral Health Survey
  • Experimental Labour Market Statistics (Office for National Statistics)
  • Scottish House Condition Survey (Scottish Government)
  • Council Tax Statistics (Valuation Office Agency)
  • Review of reintroduced LFS-derived Labour Market Statistics (Office for National Statistics)
  • Revisions of estimates of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Office for National Statistics)

Strategic Reviews (including Systemic Reviews)

  • Review of statistics on gender identity based on data collected as part of the 2021 England and Wales Census: interim report
  • Office for National Statistics’ transformation of Long-Term International Migration Estimates: OSR progress report
  • Review of mental health statistics in England: Update December 2023
  • Analytical Leadership: Achieving better outcomes for citizens report
  • State of the Statistics System 2022/23
  • Annual Review of Casework 2022-23

Regulatory Research, Development and Guidance

  • Data Sharing and Linkage for the Public Good
  • Collecting and reporting data about sex and gender identity in official statistics: A guide for official statistics producers
  • Office for Statistics Regulation’s Areas of Research Interest
  • How statistics can serve the public good: a think piece
  • Clarifying National Statistics: findings from the designation refresh project
  • Statistical Practice Capability Framework
  • Understanding the difference between Official Statistics and published Management Information
  • Guidance on producing official statistics in development
  • The Office for Statistics Regulation’s Guide to the UK Statistical System
  • Future proofing the Code of Practice for Statistics: findings and next steps
  • OSR’s approach to quality assessing the Covid Infection Survey


  • There’s more to statistical communication than avoiding truncated axes…
  • Why does analytical leadership matter? What we’ve found so far
  • Guest Blog: The Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard
  • Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you want to go
  • Guest Blog: Improving ethnicity data quality in the public sector
  • Why misleading statistics should never become a catchphrase
  • Intelligent transparency – or how the sausage gets made
  • How do people use official statistics to make decisions?
  • Shining the spotlight on the quality of economic statistics
  • The sociotechnical nature of data sharing and linkage
  • Keeping your statistics (and your garden) sustainable
  • Guest Blog: The public good of statistics – narratives from around the world
  • Guest Blog: Mental health data quality
  • You’re planning to do what? Statistics, resource constraints and user engagement
  • Guest Blog: Producing, reviewing, and always evolving: UKHSA statistics
  • The success and potential evolution of the 5 Safes model of data access
  • Transparency: bringing the inside out
  • Guest Blog: How do we use statistics in everyday life?
  • A statistical jigsaw: piecing together UK data comparability
  • Our current position on regulating, responding to and using AI
  • What does it mean to be an accredited official statistic?
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