Regulatory guidance – Building confidence in the handling and use of data

16 October 2018
Last updated:
11 April 2022


This publication was updated in April 2022 to migrate the contents to HTML and improve accessibility.


This guide provides some further insight for statistics producers into the principle T6 Data Governance when handling data to produce and publish official statistics, and when making that data available to external users, in ways that are transparent and accountable (see page 3). It also draws on our findings from a review of the UK statistics system’s ability to provide greater insight to users via linked data: joining up data for better statistics. We have summarised lessons from this review (on pages 4 and 5), to give examples of the actions that producers can take to maximise the potential of data when producing official statistics. They illustrate practices that we look for when assessing compliance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.

Our refreshed Code of Practice takes a more ambitious approach to considering the range of issues and practices around personal data compared with the first edition of the Code. Rather than solely focusing on the actions for protecting confidentiality, we are promoting an organisational commitment to fulfil the potential of available data.

  • Statistics add value when they answer society’s questions. Many questions cannot be answered without sharing and linking data. As a result, a greater willingness and ability to share and link data is an essential prerequisite for improved official statistics.
  • Without a focus on the quality of the data – their source, how they have been collected and processed, any biases and incompleteness in the data – the results could be misleading.
  • Custodians of public data must demonstrate their trustworthiness by safeguarding data robustly during and after the sharing and linkage process, and by being open to public scrutiny. Organisational trustworthiness is at the core of OSR’s work and is a key component of the first pillar in the Code of Practice.

We are challenging organisations to take advantage of the growing opportunity for data integration, stemming from advances in technology and legislation. Sharing and linking data from different administrative sources, or combining with surveys, provide new means for gaining insight about the UK population and to help answer important questions for society. But they also underscore the need for effective and accountable data management.

The wider availability of data about individuals presents new risks in disclosing private information. Consequently, the Code is emphatic in its expectations about ensuring ethical and accountable use, appropriate handling of data, and maintaining security always.

Data are a public good, but the Code also champions the rights of data subjects – we are urging producers to proactively consider the rights of people providing their own data to serve the public good. Respecting these rights empowers citizens in this exchange.

About this guide

This guide provides some further insight for statistics producers into the principle T6 Data Governance when handling data to produce and publish official statistics, and when making that data available to external users, in ways that are transparent and accountable.

It also draws on our findings from a review of the UK statistics system’s ability to provide greater insight to users via linked data: Joining Up Data for Better Statistics. We have summarised lessons from this review to give examples of the actions that producers can take to maximise the potential of data when producing official statistics. They illustrate practices that we look for when assessing compliance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.

We encourage producers to use the Five Safes as a framework to inform their practices and communication about keeping data safe.

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