
State of the Statistical System 2022/23

28 June 2023
Last updated:
28 June 2023


This report sets out what we see as the most important issues for the statistical system in the UK. We explore where the statistical system is succeeding and what we, as the UK’s statistics regulator, statistics producers and other key players in the statistical system should be considering to address the current challenges.

This report draws together the findings from our regulatory work in financial year 2022/23 and what statistics producers and other stakeholders have told us their key issues are.

Each section of the report looks at a key issue in detail:

The statistical system is continuing to innovate and respond to emerging issues; however, this pace is difficult to maintain given the current pressures on resources and funding

Developments should not come at a cost to the quality of statistics and data

Statistics producers must prioritise user engagement to identify areas of high importance and understand the impact of changes

Statistics should be made available and communicated effectively to support understanding and appropriate use

What is the UK statistical system?

The statistical system in the UK system is underpinned by the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007. This established the UK Statistics Authority, an independent body at arm’s length from government, and specified specific roles and requirements that make the system what it is today.

Official statistics are produced by a wide range of public sector bodies, including government departments, the devolved administrations, arm’s length bodies and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). In this report we refer to such bodies as ‘producers’.

Our standalone guide, The Office for Statistics Regulation’s Guide to the UK Statistical System, provides an accessible overview for readers who wish to know more about the statistical system in the UK.

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