How to use the Statistical Practice Capability Framework
Statistical leaders can work through the following steps to get started in applying Statistical Practice Capability Framework:
1. Scope
Decide the focus and range of the application – is it an individual business area, all areas producing statistics, or the whole organisation?
2. Understand
Work from the same starting point – ensure everyone involved has a common understanding of TQV.
3. Review
Individually and collectively (with those in the work areas) reflect on which achievement level you would place your organisation or business area at for each of the Code pillars – start by noting an immediate reaction, then unpack why and see if you would modify your rating. Think about what evidence you can see of your achievements.
4. Consider
Having a sense of where you are currently, discuss where you would like to get to, how and by when. Identify areas of good practice for sharing more widely as well as areas for improvement.
5. Plan
Agree an action plan for acting on the areas to address and practices to share across the organisation
6. Evaluate
Continue to cycle through the stages to assess your progress and changes in achievement – consider scheduling an annual self-assessment.
Download a copy of the Statistical Practice Capability Framework workbook to record your observations
This picture shows the Statistical Practice Capability Framework cycle; beginning with Scope, and moving in a clockwise cycle to Understand, Review, Consider, Plan, and finally Evaluate.
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