The Authority published the Monitoring Review Report ‘Statistics for Parliamentary Constituencies’ in March 2012. Annex 1 provides a brief summary of the report and documents actions taken in response to the recommendations.

Statement from the UK Statistics Authority

The published Monitoring Review Report contained 9 recommendations to be progressed.

As of January 2016, all of the recommendations have been satisfactorily completed.

At the time of publication, the Authority found that statistics at parliamentary constituency level did not meet user needs. Between 2012 and the General Election in 2015, producers have responded to the resultant recommendations that were set out in the Monitoring Review. In some cases the actions taken have not directly aligned with the Authority suggestions; however, they have been in the spirit of improvement and addressed the underlying need. The Authority recognises that these actions have been taken given limited resource availability and competing business priorities. We are encouraged by the commitment of the producers to make continued improvements in this area and while some of the recommendations could be seen as still open; in particular recommendations 4 and 5 that relate to possible future constituency boundary changes; we feel the infrastructure is in place to deal with future change if required.

Given this, the Authority deems that the recommendations from this review have been addressed within what could reasonably be expected of the producers.

Statistics for Parliamentary Constituencies – Original report