Systemic Review outline: Loneliness


Over the last few years each country in the UK has produced either a strategy on loneliness or started producing statistics on loneliness. There has been a lot of work put into this area by both policymakers and statisticians, including the GSS Harmonisation team. The Population and Society domain are carrying out a review to look across the countries of the UK at what statistics are available on loneliness and how far they meet the needs of policy makers, decision makers and the voluntary sector.

What we are doing

As part of the review we will:

  • Build a picture of the data landscape and what statistics currently exist in relation to loneliness
  • Engage with stakeholders to understand the data needs in loneliness and if they are being met and/or how they could be met
  • Identify ways in which statistics could be supported to better serve public need

We have identified three key themes to focus on in loneliness

Whose stories are being told?

This theme focuses on inclusivity in data and covers topics including demographic information and digital inclusion.

Is it the whole story?

This theme focuses on the depth of information available and how useful it is to stakeholders, such as service providers or researchers, and covers topics including data granularity and contextual questions.

Who’s telling the story?

This theme focuses on the data landscape and covers topics including understanding how official and unofficial data sources fit together and identifying where greater engagement between groups could prove useful.


How we will do it

Stage 1: Desk based research to build an understanding of the available statistics and stakeholder networks.

Stage 2: Engaging with stakeholders identified in stage 1 to build an understanding of the needs, thoughts and concerns of statistics producers and users including a range of charities and academics.

Stage 3: Reviewing findings and exploring potential areas for improvement.

Stage 4: Communication and dissemination of the findings


Taking part

If you would like to be involved in this work or share your thoughts on loneliness statistics, please get in touch with either Sarah Kilday or Effie Roberts by 1 April 2021.