Please see the UK Statistics Authority webpages for correspondence sent from Sir Robert Chote or Sir David Norgrove.
For all correspondence between 2008–2017 view our Archive1067 items of correspondence found
Ed Humpherson to Richard Pengelly: OSR review of mental health statistics in Northern Ireland
7 September 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Pengelly, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Darren Morgan: Assessment of Annual Business Survey Statistics
6 September 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Mary Gregory to Jonathan Athow, Stephen Aldridge, and Sandra Tudor: Review of Household projections for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
27 August 2021
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Stephen Aldridge, Jonathan Athow, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Mark Pont to Stephanie Howarth, Peter Whitehouse, Tracy Power, and David Marshall: Review of household estimates and projections for Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
26 August 2021
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Peter Whitehouse, Tracy Power, Dr David Marshall, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Lucy Vickers: Rapid Review of Monthly Adult Social Care statistics for England
25 August 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Sir Andrew Watson: Response to OSR’s review of population estimates and projections
12 August 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Athow: ONS response to OSR’s review of population estimates and projections
12 August 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Liz McKeown: UK natural capital accounts
6 August 2021
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Download Mark Pont to Liz McKeown: UK natural capital accounts (PDF, 0.11 MB)
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Transparency of data related to the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) August
6 August 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, MHCLG
Ed Humpherson to Lucy Vickers: Review of NHS Test and Trace (England) and NHS COVID-19 app statistics
4 August 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care