Regulation blog

Ed Humpherson, the Director General for Regulation, team members at the Office for Statistics Regulation and other ad-hoc guest authors present think pieces on how the different areas of the statistical system can affect and benefit the public.

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  • Breakfast in the Boardroom

    4 August 2017

    Guest blog from Kimberly Cullen, Statistics Assessor. Breakfast in the Boardroom: Reflections on the Code and the wider analytical community.

  • Richard Laux: Benefits from voluntary compliance

    21 July 2017

    Guest blog from Richard Laux, Deputy Head of Regulation, on benefits from voluntary compliance.

  • Health and Social Care Statistics

    29 June 2017

    In February, I asked NHS England and NHS Digital to consider publishing more timely statistics on accident and emergency performance.

  • Big Data Analytics

    23 June 2017

    Big Data Analytics Conference on Data Quality at the Francis Crick Institute, June 2017.

  • Our Business Plan

    21 June 2017

    Today we are publishing our Business Plan and Regulatory Work Programme for 2017/18, placing the public interest in statistics at the heart of our work.

  • Health statistics

    24 March 2017

    In the last few weeks, we’ve made three comments on health statistics... They all show the importance of improving the public value of statistics.

  • Consultation on priorities

    6 March 2017

    Priorities for our 2017/18 Regulatory Work Programme - we welcome your views.

  • Homelessness

    1 February 2017

    Homelessness is an important issue in its own right. It is also an illustration of the concern for public value that underpins the Office for Statistics Regulation.

  • Migration statistics

    19 January 2017

    There are a range of migration-related datasets available across different Government departments. The key to a comprehensive picture lies in bringing these datasets together.

  • Code of Practice Stocktake Report

    14 December 2016

    Today we publish the Code of Practice Stocktake Report. We explored the extent to which the Code could do an even better job as a guide to behaviour.

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