Regulation blog

Ed Humpherson, the Director General for Regulation, team members at the Office for Statistics Regulation and other ad-hoc guest authors present think pieces on how the different areas of the statistical system can affect and benefit the public.

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  • A day in the life of a Regulator

    3 January 2023

    In our latest blog, Job, one of our regulators,  demystifies the job of a statistics regulator. Statistics regulator. It’s quite a strange-sounding job. If you asked a random person on…

  • What 2023 means for OSR

    7 December 2022

    Ed Humpherson reflects upon the past year and sets out OSR’s priorities for the 2023/24.

  • How to communicate uncertainty in statistics

    2 December 2022

    Mark Pont explores the themes discussed in OSR's Approaches to presenting uncertainty in the statistical system report and answers questions on how to communicate uncertainty in statistics.

  • Smart statistics: what can the Code tell us about working efficiently

    4 November 2022

    Helen Miller-Bakewell, Head of Development and Impact at OSR, explores ways the Code of Practice for Statistics can assist producers of statistics and analysis increase their efficiency while facing pressure…

  • Power in numbers: A collaborative approach to exploring public perceptions of public good

    7 October 2022

    Dr Mary Cowan, Research Specialist at OSR, and Shayda Kashef, Public Engagement Manager at ADR UK describe the motivations behind the recent report on public perceptions of the public good…

  • Communicating uncertainty in statistics

    23 September 2022

    Assessment Programme Lead, Mark Pont, discusses the importance of statisticians understanding and communicating uncertainty in their statistics, in light of our recent report exploring approaches to presenting uncertainty in the…

  • Weights and measures: how consultations relate to OSR’s role

    21 September 2022

    Ed Humpherson responds to concerns raised with OSR regarding the recent consultation by Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy on the Choice on units of measurements: marking and sales.

  • What is intelligent transparency and how you can help?

    1 September 2022

    Statistics Regulator Siobhan Tuohy-Smith discusses what we mean by intelligent transparency and how you can be an advocate for intelligent transparency across government and official data, statistics and wider analysis. So…

  • An army of armchair epidemiologists

    26 August 2022

    Statistics Regulator, Emily Carless explores the work done to communicate data on Covid-19 publicly, from inside and outside the official statistics system, supporting an army of armchair epidemiologists.  In 2020,…

  • Driving the change to make health statistics more coherent

    19 August 2022

    Emma Sharland of the English Health Statistics and Steering Group reviews the work they have undertaken to make health statistics in England more coherent, following a Systemic Review undertaken by…

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