The Office for Statistics Regulation has today published a review of children and young people statistics, Visibility, Vulnerability and Voice: The importance of including children and young people in official statistics.
This report explores the different needs for statistics on children and young people across the statistics system, looking at how well they are being met and why statistics on children and young people are important.
OSR found a fragmented landscape of statistics and data, with weaknesses in how visible children and young people are in official statistics, how the experiences of vulnerable children and young people can be understood and how children and young people are given a voice through and about official statistics and their data. Our work found clear evidence of good practice and some significant opportunities for the official statistics system to learn from each other and from others.
Sir David Norgrove, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority welcomed the report:
“It is very important that the statistics system is able to reflect the issues affecting children and young people in all areas of their lives. This report highlights evidence of good practice and encourages improvement where needed, which is particularly important given the impact of the pandemic on children and young people.”
The ‘3Vs’ have been developed as a framework in this report, to help consider the statistics and needs of children and young people: that they should be visible in official statistics, that the experiences of those who are vulnerable to poorer outcomes are seen, and that official statistics are giving children and young people a voice, including a voice in how their data are used.
OSR’s work will continue look at the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence base, supporting producers to develop practical ways to make improvements to their children and young people statistics.