Annex 1
Actions that NISRA has taken in response to the Phase 2 Assessment requirements
In 2022, NISRA made a number of commitments to action each of the Phase 2 Assessment requirements. On that basis, National Statistics status was awarded to 2021 Census outputs in Northern Ireland. The below table outlines the actions that NISRA has taken since that time and highlights where further improvements are needed.
Back to topRequirement 1
In order to support society’s need for information, NISRA needs to clearly communicate how 2021 Census data may be impacted by COVID-19and how it plans to address any unmet user needs. NISRA should ensure this information is communicated in an accessible and timely way, being open on plans, developments and progress even where definitive answers or solutions are still being sought.
NISRA’s 2022 commitment
- NISRA publicly committed to provide information on how data may be affected by COVID-19 alongside census outputs, for example in its operational report published on 31 January 2022.
- NISRA will complete its data processing and quality assurance (QA) so as to be fully informed on any impacts due to COVID-19 on census data. NISRA intends to publish supporting quality information alongside its outputs, with more detailed information to be developed and published as its outputs release phases progress.
- NISRA plans to produce further narrative on the utility of census data – given the pandemic, Brexit, migration, Ukrainian population crisis etc. – after census results are published.
Action taken by NISRA
- NISRA highlighted the data likely to be impacted by the pandemic in its 2021 outputs consultation. For the subsequent outputs release phase, NISRA provided further information for users in the statistical bulletins accompanying specific releases. NISRA’s published Census 2021 general report includes detail on the impact of the pandemic on data collection and the operational decisions taken as a result.
- NISRA completed its data processing and quality assurance and has identified those topics most likely to have been impacted by the pandemic. NISRA has published a number of quality-related information papers during the Census 2021 outputs release phases. Quality notes are available to help users understand quality considerations of the data; this includes highlighting statistics relating to economic activity and migration in terms of the impact of the pandemic on responses to the questions.
- NISRA’s planned census benefits realisation exercise will provide valuable insight into the utility of census data from a user perspective.
OSR’s evaluation of evidence
- NISRA has considered the impacts of the pandemic on census responses, communicating any impacts specific to topic areas. NISRA is open in its communication that the scale of the impact is difficult to ascertain. More explicit guidance for users is needed to fully support any decision making based on affected statistics. In addition, signposting to other related statistics beyond those based on census data would also help users understand any differences. NISRA should use the outcomes of its planned census benefits realisation exercise to help inform any plans to produce further narrative on the utility of census data.
Requirement 2
To assure Northern Ireland users of how their data needs will be addressed, NISRA needs to provide users with transparent, accessible and timely information on how UK population estimates for 2021, UK Census data and Ireland-Northern Ireland data will be provided. NISRA should continue to work with, and align communications with, ONS, NRS and CSO to explain any impacts on data quality and describe where user needs may or may not be met as a result.
NISRA’s 2022 commitment
- NISRA’s Outputs prospectus includes high-level plans for UK population estimates and UK census data, and NISRA has reaffirmed its commitment to producing a report and data from Census 2021/22 for the island of Ireland.
- NISRA is an active participant in a variety of cross-census office groups, including the UK Census Committee. The census team has told us of its continued productive and positive relationship with ONS, NRS and Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Ireland to progress collaborative working on these matters.
- NISRA plans to continue to update its UK census data webpage as plans for the delivery of UK census data are finalised.
Action taken by NISRA
- The Census 2021 Release plans section of the NISRA website provides information to users on output releases, including UK data for Census 2021/22 and a joint Ireland and Northern Ireland Census 2021/22 report. There is a commitment from the three UK census offices, in the statement of agreement, to produce consistent, coherent and accessible statistics for the UK from Census 2021/2022.Work on UK data is ongoing, with ONS leading the development of these outputs. Work on the Ireland and Northern Ireland Census 2021/22 report is underway. NISRA is collaborating with CSO to develop this output, with the aim to publish it before the end of the 2024/25 financial year.
- NISRA was an active participant in the UK Census Committee throughout the duration of the Census 2021 program. The Committee now convenes as part of the GSS Inter Administration Committee, which works in the context of the Concordat on Statistics between the UK Statistics Authority and the devolved administrations, outlining the way in which England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales work together and cooperate on statistical matters. NISRA maintains a strong working relationship with CSO in Ireland, including through the Census Advisory Group the CSO Census Project Oversight Board.
- Plans and timings for UK Census outputs are yet to be finalised. NISRA updates users on its UK census data webpage. The online Census 2021 dictionary includes definitions, variables and classifications to assist users of Census 2021 data across the UK.
OSR’s evaluation of evidence
- NISRA continues its strong collaboration with ONS, NRS and the CSO and is an active member of cross-UK forums in supporting census data user needs. The impending UK Census outputs and the Ireland and Northern Ireland 2021/22 report planned for publication in 2025 should fill the current gap and aid users in any future comparisons of NI census data. In the interim, NISRA should continue publishing any updates on plans and timelines to manage user expectations.
Requirement 3
NISRA should ensure finalised documentation on quality, information and judgements on suitable data sources, and methods and their application are complete. All supporting information should be sufficiently open and easily available to Census data users alongside its range of Census outputs.
NISRA’s 2022 commitment
- NISRA has established a new expert QA panel, reporting directly to the Registrar General, ahead of summer and autumn 2022 census releases. This panel is tasked with reviewing the methods and approach to QA, adding an additional level of assurance to its previously planned approach.
- NISRA plans to publish finalised documentation, including quality assurance reports and methodology reports, to support its census outputs.
Action taken by NISRA
- NISRA used an expert quality assurance panel to assess and provide assurance on the quality of high-level Census 2021 outputs. The panel reported to the Northern Ireland Registrar General. The QA panel was made up four external experts with experience of census and population statistics. This panel asked important and probing questions regarding the estimates and helped to shape the quality assurance report published alongside the first release of Census 2021 outputs in May 2022.
- To supplement the release of Census 2021 outputs, NISRA has published a number of information papers relating to quality assurance and methodology. There is a variety of other reference materials available on the NISRA website to help users make the most of Census 2021 data.
OSR’s evaluation of evidence
- NISRA has published a range of easily accessible documentation on quality, data sources and methods used in producing 2021 census outputs. The users that we spoke to were content with NISRA’s quality documentation.
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Requirement 4
In order to ensure the relevance of data and statistics to users, NISRA needs to continue to develop and enhance its user engagement activities, connecting with a broad range of users and embracing challenge. NISRA should continually review and seek to implement improvements in its engagement strategies and should ensure its decision making is open and transparent, being clear where users’ needs can or cannot be met.
NISRA’s 2022 commitment
- NISRA has secured additional funding for social media advertising leading up to and during the release of Census 2021 outputs to raise public awareness, which will supplement its use of existing channels for communication with users.
- NISRA explained some of the new and innovative engagement routes put in place for live operations, such as new social media channels on Facebook and Twitter. NISRA told us it plans to use these new routes for engagement strategies on census outputs alongside its more established routes, such as its Demographic Statistics Advisory Group.
Action taken by NISRA
- NISRA used the social media channels of Facebook and Twitter/X during the Census 2021 data collection phase to raise public awareness and promote participation. NISRA continued to use both channels during the outputs release phase to support public engagement and communication. NISRA continued engagement with the Demographic Statistics Advisory Group during the outputs release phase, holding meetings in September 2022 and June 2023. Extensive user engagement activities (such as hosting information sessions and webinars with key stakeholders and users and attending conferences) and communication were also maintained throughout the outputs release phase, with a key focus on promoting the digital products supporting Census 2021 outputs, primarily the Flexible Table Builder and Area Explorer dissemination and data visualisation tools.
OSR’s evaluation of evidence
- NISRA has engaged with users extensively and carried out a range of activities to promote and assist users in using census data. This has included seeking feedback and challenge from key stakeholders and groups such as the Demographic Statistics Advisory Group.
- Overall, users were happy with NISRA’s engagement and had confidence in liaising with the NISRA team to ask or identify any potential gaps required for their individual needs.
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Requirement 5
NISRA needs to deliver its aims in relation to timely, accessible and flexible Census outputs – while ensuring sufficient data quality and supporting appropriate use of the data. It should clearly communicate its plans and timelines for outputs at the earliest opportunity, updating and revising these as soon as more detail is available or to reflect any changes to its plans.
NISRA’s 2022 commitment
- NISRA published its outputs prospectus in January 2022, giving users a broad schedule of outputs for 2022/23. NISRA will update this with further release dates when they are finalised.
- NISRA has announced the date for the release of first census outputs for Northern Ireland – confirming these will be made available on 24 May 2022.
- The census team continues to work closely with the NISRA branch leading on the development of the new output dissemination platform, which will be used for the first time for census data.
- Work is ongoing with ONS on the development of a flexible table builder.
Action taken by NISRA
- NISRA continues to use the Census 2021 outputs prospectus as the main mechanism by which it communicates plans for outputs releases. The Release plans provide a detailed schedule that informs users in advance about the content of each release, the planned release date and the associated geographies.
- The first release of Census 2021 statistics was published on the NISRA website as planned at 9.30 am on 24 May 2022.
- The NISRA Data Portal launched in early 2024 provides data on a range of themes, including the census. Users can access census data from both 2011 and 2021 on topics such as demography, ethnicity, language, religion, housing and the labour market.
- NISRA launched the Census 2021 Flexible Table Builder in June 2023, allowing users to build and/or customise census tables for the first time.
OSR’s evaluation of evidence
- NISRA has delivered its aim to produce timely, accessible and flexible census outputs, with clear communication of its plans and releases.Users shared overwhelmingly positive feedback about NISRA’s online tools, particularly the Flexible Table Builder.
Requirement 6
To best support Census data users, NISRA needs to continue to improve its webpage navigation for current materials. NISRA’s plans for a separate website or webpages for Census outputs themselves will require sufficient consideration of its navigation and accessibility. NISRA should keep webpages and content refreshed and current.
NISRA’s 2022 commitment
- NISRA has started a review of its existing Census 2021 webpages to aid accessibility for users. NISRA will continue to update and refresh its census webpages as outputs are delivered.
- The census team will work with NISRA’s IT support team to ensure that dissemination systems are successfully integrated with the NISRA website.
Action taken by NISRA
- NISRA restructured the Census 2021 section of its website to coincide with the outputs release phase, with the aim of making it easier for users to navigate and access data and reference materials. NISRA continually reviews the structure and content of the webpages, including a review of the Census 2021 section of the NISRA website in summer 2024.
- The main self-service dissemination tools for Census 2021, namely the Flexible Table Builder and the Area Explorer, have been successfully integrated with the NISRA website. They were both subject to accessibility and security checks, and any significant remediations were actioned before going live.
OSR’s evaluation of evidence
- We recognise that NISRA has made some improvements to its webpage; however, more work is needed to optimise navigation of census outputs for users. This should be improved in line with the feedback we heard from users.