Assessment of compliance with the Code of Practice for Statistics: Statistics on the Wellbeing of Wales

28 September 2022
Last updated:
27 September 2022



1.11 The Wellbeing of Wales report provides an update on the progress that Wales is making against a range of indicators. The way that it brings together a range of indicators into a single place, with helpful commentary, means that the report is able to provide a useful resource for users ranging from policy-makers to individual members of public. The report also includes links to further contextual information, which adds additional value.

1.12 In addition, the report is accompanied by an indicator dashboard which enables users to easily access the statistics that they most care about without having to navigate the entire report.

Use and user engagement

1.13 The primary motivation for the development of the report is to monitor progress towards the well-being goals. As part of that, the Future Generations Commissioner is a key user in order to be able to evaluate the ways in which Wales is progressing in its pursuit of the seven well-being goals.

1.14 The report can also be used across a range of sectors including local government to help shape local well-being plans. The report is also useful for sector organisations to use when applying for funding. For example, the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s Strategic Funding Framework used the report to understand progress toward development goals as part of evidence considered in funding allocation.

1.15 Our interim findings from 2019 identified that the Welsh Government needed to do more to understand who uses the Wellbeing of Wales report, for what, and to use the information gathered as the basis for continuing to improve the offering to users.

1.16 Since then, the statistics team has implemented an outreach strategy to develop its understanding. This has included consultations in the form of forums, blogs, webinars, engagement with young people such as with Young Wales to engage with a panel of young people, engagement with public bodies, and with the third sector. The team has used the Shaping Wales’s Future blog to provide regular updates and seek views on the report and indicators. Subsequently, the statistics team published a summary of its findings in 2019, which it then further updated in 2021. Statistical matters related to the Act were also a standing agenda item for the Welsh Statistical Liaison Committee during 2021, recognising the intense use of the indicators during that time as local well-being assessments were being developed.

1.17 These findings demonstrate an increased understanding of the user base. We are further reassured by the statistics team’s commitment to continue to enhance its understanding of use and to build publicity for the Wellbeing of Wales statistics. This includes plans for blogs and promotion of the report both within and outside the Welsh Government, for example by discussing regularly with policy teams as well as meetings that the Welsh Government holds with third sector organisations.

Innovation and improvement

1.18 Section 20 of the Act gives the Future Generations Commissioner power to carry out reviews into the extent that public bodies are implementing the Act. In January 2022, the Commissioner launched such a review into how the Welsh Government implements the Act. We welcome the statistics teams’ commitment to use the findings of that review, along with other insights generated through feedback from other users, to further improve the public value generated by the Wellbeing of Wales report and dashboard.


1.19 The report is available in html and pdf formats. In addition, the Welsh Government has published an ‘easy read’ version of the report, to broaden accessibility to a wider audience. That the report is accompanied by detailed data ensures that users can access the data and the insights generated from them, at a range of levels that meet their needs.

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