Final update in response to the Sturgis report on OSR’s approach to quality assessing the Covid Infection Survey

18 September 2024
Last updated:
18 September 2024


In January 2023, OSR commissioned Professor Patrick Sturgis of the London School of Economics to review the way that we carried out a regulatory review of the Covid Infection Survey, run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

We welcomed Professor Sturgis’ recommendations to improve both the way that we present our findings and how we subsequently follow up on the actions that we require or recommend be taken.

We accepted all the recommendations from the review, noting that for our core assessment and systemic review projects we already largely worked in a way that was consistent with Professor Sturgis’ suggestions.

Our original response, OSR’s approach to quality assessing the Covid Infection Survey included the recommendations from Professor Sturgis’ review and our interim response to each.

This final update confirms the steps that we have put into place to fulfil the recommendations.

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