Proposal to change Practice T3.1
Current version
Practice T3.1 currently says:
“The release of both regular and ad hoc official statistics should be pre-announced through a 12-month release calendar, giving a specific release date at least four weeks in advance where practicable.”
We proposed requiring that the release time, as well as the date, be pre-announced, and suggested removing the word ‘official’ from the practice. Five respondents expressed views supporting the proposal to be specific about the time of release in the pre-announcement; but three of these respondents did not support removing the word ‘official’. One other respondent also expressed views against removing the word ‘official’, while other respondents gave no views about the proposal to change T3.1.
Revised practice
The UK Statistics Authority has approved that practice T3.1 becomes:
“The release of both regular and ad hoc official statistics should be pre-announced through a 12-month release calendar, giving the specific release date and time at least four weeks in advance where practicable.”
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