Please see the UK Statistics Authority webpages for correspondence sent from Sir Robert Chote or Sir David Norgrove.
For all correspondence between 2008–2017 view our Archive1067 items of correspondence found
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson: Use of data on specialist care
15 December 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Download Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson: Use of data on specialist care (PDF, 0.04 MB)
Ed Humpherson to Matthew Wilson: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Statistics on General Pharmaceutical Services in England
14 December 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Wilson, NHS Business Service Authority (NHSBSA)
Mark Pont to John Marais: Knife-Enabled Crime Statistics for England and Wales
10 December 2021
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Designation of Pay in the Northern Ireland Civil Service Statistics as National Statistics
10 December 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Emma Rourke (ONS) to Ed Humpherson: Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status publication
8 December 2021
Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Dr Jo Saxton (Ofqual): GRading and Admissions Dataset for England (GRADE)
2 December 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Jo Saxton, OfQual
Ed Humpherson to Amanda Spielman (Ofsted): GRading and Admissions Dataset for England (GRADE)
2 December 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amanda Spielman, Ofsted
Sandra Tudor to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of data related to the levelling up Fund (LUF)
29 November 2021
Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Transparency of data related to the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) November
26 November 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Mark Pont to Rob Pike and Jane Naylor: Foreign Investment Statistics
25 November 2021
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rob Pike and Jane Naylor, Department for International Trade
Download Mark Pont to Rob Pike and Jane Naylor: Foreign Investment Statistics (PDF, 0.08 MB)