Dear Alex, Liz
Since our letter in July 2023, we have continued to review ONS’s transformation of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) against the Code of Practice for Statistics, alongside our review of LFS-derived Labour Market Statistics following the accreditation suspension last year. We have today published a progress report which consolidates our work on both the LFS and TLFS, bringing together our judgements to date and providing updates on the remaining open recommendations and requirements.
On the TLFS, we have found that ONS is engaging well with users, and that the scope of this engagement has been widening. ONS has also been increasingly open with its communication. However, users remain frustrated about the lack of clarity about when the transition to the TLFS will be made. We have found that our previous recommendations about the TLFS remain relevant. We have also made two additional recommendations calling on ONS to publish more detail about the plans to transition to the TLFS, and to set out its plans for regular reporting on the progress of its interim action plan from its ‘lessons learnt’ exercise. For the LFS-derived estimates, we have found that ONS has acted to address most of our requirements. We recognise that given the five-wave design of the LFS any changes take time to feed through and that ONS expects changes to be fully included through all five of the survey waves in the May 2025 publication. We will engage with your team and users to understand the extent to which these changes have increased quality sufficiently to meet user needs. In this context, the classification official statistics in development continues to be appropriate.
We also support ONS’s plans to publish a series of articles by June 2025 exploring the coherence between estimates from the LFS, estimates from business surveys and estimates from administrative data as this will support user need during this period of transition.
I would like to thank your teams for their continued positive engagement with us on these reviews and we will continue to challenge and support the teams, reviewing progress against each of the deadlines outlined in today’s report.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss any aspects of this letter and accompanying progress report.
I am copying this letter to Rachel Skentelbery, Deputy Head of Profession for Statistics at ONS.
Yours sincerely
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith
Assessment Programme Lead