Ed Humpherson, the Director General for Regulation, team members at the Office for Statistics Regulation and other ad-hoc guest authors present think pieces on how the different areas of the statistical system can affect and benefit the public.
Ed Humpherson, the Director General for Regulation, team members at the Office for Statistics Regulation and other ad-hoc guest authors present think pieces on how the different areas of the statistical system can affect and benefit the public.
30 July 2021
As part of our work on statistical leadership, we are hosting a series of guest blogs. This blog is from Stian Westlake, Chief Executive at the Royal Statistical Society.
23 July 2021
Quality simply means that statistics do what they set out to do and, crucially, that the best possible methods and sources are used to achieve that.
16 July 2021
What are the consequences for young people leaving school as a result of the pandemic? How can more detailed statistics about school leavers help us understand and effect real change…
14 July 2021
At OSR we’ve long been concerned about the risks that a world of abundant information and misinformation could lead to a catastrophic loss of confidence in statistics and data –…
8 July 2021
I was very interested in a recent Social Finance report on how to secure impact at scale. One of their points is that, if you want to see impact at…
28 June 2021
Trust can seem a no-brainer. It has often featured as the guiding aim of many a strategy for statistics.
25 June 2021
Recognised by many as a early pioneer of modern computing, his work on algorithms, computing machinery and artificial intelligence have changed the way we live today.
10 June 2021
The first half of 2021 has seen further lockdowns, an impressive vaccination rollout and as we ease into the Summer, some easing of restrictions across the UK. It’s also been…
17 May 2021
Productivity is a term that whilst economists intuitively understand, it can often be difficult for non-specialists to track and under-stand productivity changes.
30 April 2021
As part of our work on statistical leadership, we are hosting a series of guest blogs. This blog is from Robert Cuffe, Head of Statistics at the BBC.