Regulation blog

Ed Humpherson, the Director General for Regulation, team members at the Office for Statistics Regulation and other ad-hoc guest authors present think pieces on how the different areas of the statistical system can affect and benefit the public.

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  • Why trust and transparency are vital in a pandemic

    5 November 2020

    During the coronavirus pandemic we have seen statistics and data take an increasingly prominent role in press conferences, media interviews and statements. Governments across the UK have used data to…

  • How to solve a puzzle like productivity

    3 November 2020

    This is a guest blog from Andy Haldane and Gavin Wallis, Industrial Strategy Council   There’s a reason that the UK’s weak productivity performance since the financial crisis is still…

  • Casework: How you help us champion statistics that serve the public good

    29 October 2020

    Today we published the UK Statistics Authority’s Annual Review of Casework 2019/20. In the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) we champion production and use of statistics that serve the public…

  • Data gaps: no need to be daunted

    26 October 2020

    We are, apparently, living in a world awash with data. Data are available in ever greater quantity and with ever greater frequency. Yet alongside this abundance, there is a realisation…

  • Understanding rough sleeping during a pandemic

    23 October 2020

    Only with a fuller picture, drawing on a range of robust sources of statistics and further evidence, will government statistics be able to fully represent the lived experiences of homeless…

  • Statistics shining a light

    19 October 2020

    To help us celebrate World Statistics Day on Tuesday 20 October, John Pullinger, President of the International Association for Official Statistics, has written this guest blog. The last few months…

  • Now, about that Excel spreadsheet…

    15 October 2020

    Many statisticians and analysts are now starting to think differently and move away from off-the-shelf software. Within the Government Statistical Service this approach is known as a Reproducible Analytical Pipeline.

  • The exams algorithm story is about more than just exams

    13 October 2020

    We’ve launched a review of the way the statistical models were built and overseen. It is not our intention to apportion blame or to launch criticisms with the benefit of…

  • Why Official Statistics producers are vital to administrative data research

    8 October 2020

    Today, the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) published their report on ‘Unlocking the value of data through onward sharing’. As Director of a partnership that exists to do just that,…

  • A healthy improvement: helping users find the stats they need on health

    2 October 2020

    This month the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a new tool, aiming to bring together health statistics from across government in one place. We welcome this tool to improve…

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