Cancelled or suspended accreditations

Accredited official statistics can have the accreditation suspended or cancelled should substantial non-compliance with the standards of the Code of Practice for Statistics be identified (see the accredited official statistics policy for further information).

OSR will issue an improvement notice to the producer of the statistics, flagging the areas to be addressed.

Where the producer has plans to address the improvement areas within one year, OSR will suspend the accreditation while those actions are taken. The statistics will be re-accredited once complete, subject to a light touch compliance review by OSR.

For cancelled accreditations, once all remedial actions have been completed to the satisfaction of the Head of Profession for Statistics, OSR will undertake an assessment to confirm compliance with the Code.

The tables below list official statistics for which the accreditation has been cancelled or suspended, and where applicable, reinstated.

Cancelled or suspended accreditations


Re-accredited statistics