This is one of a series of reports prepared under the provisions of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 . The Act requires all statistics currently designated as National Statistics to be assessed against the Code of Practice for Official Statistics  . The report covers the set of statistics reported in Inpatients formally detained in hospitals under the Mental Health Act 1983, and patients subject to supervised community treatment (Inpatients detained)  , produced by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).

Although the statistics in Inpatients detained were designated National Statistics before the Statistics Act came into force – that is, they were ‘legacy’ National Statistics – they were not included within the first round of Assessment. At that time HSCIC made the case for their exclusion because it anticipated substantial changes to the statistics following a review and consultation that were underway at the time. After the review and consultation were concluded and resulting actions taken, HSCIC suggested that the assessment of the statistics should go ahead, although it recognised that one important aspect – a transition between the two data sources that are used to produce the statistics – would not be complete.

This report was prepared by the Authority’s Assessment team, and approved by the Regulation Committee on behalf of the Board of the Statistics Authority, based on the advice of the Director General for Regulation.

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Re-designation and confirmation as National Statistics