Misleadingness: A follow-up thinkpiece

17 May 2021
Last updated:
20 May 2021

Misleadingness thinkpiece

Why we did it

At the Office for Statistics Regulation, we are often asked if we consider a particular use of statistics to be misleading. These questions can come from members of the public, politicians and organisations and we welcome them, because the interest in whether uses of statistics are misleading or not shows that people care about the appropriate use of statistics.

We always look carefully at these cases and seek to reach a judgement, but in investigating them, we find it is often not clear what is meant by something being “misleading”. The word is used to cover a wide range of situations and sometimes it seems as though the judgement we are being asked to make revolves around the merits of the argument that the user is making, rather than the use of statistics in itself.

So over the last year we have been thinking about the idea of misleadingness – what it is, and how we should approach it in the context of our work. We wanted to go beyond merely technical criteria and think about the impact of uses of statistics on audiences. Our first step was to publish a think-piece in May 2020, which we developed with input from Jenny Saul, a philosopher who has written and thought extensively about misleadingness.

Our think-piece explored three approaches to judging misleadingness:

1: Materiality and intention – an approach which focuses on the significance of the statement being made. What were the intentions of the speaker?

2: Audience – an approach which focuses on audience understanding. Were the audience misled about what the statistics were telling them?

3: Case-based – an approach which focuses on particular features of the presentation of statistics. Is the style of presentation unclear and likely to mislead?

We concluded that the most appropriate definition of misleadingness in the context of our work as statistics regulator was:

“We are concerned when, on a question of significant public interest, the way statistics are used is likely to leave a reasonable person believing something which the full statistical evidence would not support.”

We also determined that none of the three approaches was likely to be effective on its own. Instead, the think-piece tentatively concluded that a blended approach was likely to work best.

The paper that follows provides an update on our thinking based on conversations we’ve had and feedback we’ve received since we published the think-piece.

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Who we spoke to

After the initial publication of the misleadingness piece, we received feedback from a number of sources, including:

  • Further input from Jenny Saul, the philosopher who worked on the first think-piece
  • Outcomes from a seminar held with Jenny Saul, other philosophers she suggested[1], Ofcom and the Advertising Standards Authority
  • A meeting with the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) Data Ethics and Governance Section Committee
  • Individual feedback from the chairs of the RSS Data Ethics Committee
  • Feedback from a small number of other individuals

[1] Eliot Michaelson, Kings College London; Andreas Stokke, Uppsala University; Neri Marsilli, University of Barcelona; Alexandra Freeman, University of Cambridge; Jonathan Webber, University of Cardiff

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What we found

Overall support for the approach in the think-piece

• Overall, people welcomed the think-piece; it was valued as much as a trigger for discussion as for its content.

• One clear outcome was a recognition of the benefits of bringing together statistical, philosophical and regulatory approaches. Several people who provided feedback commented positively on this way of working.

• Having a clear statement of principles is helpful but we also need to recognise an irreducible complexity. Professor Kevin McConway of the Open University pointed out to us that it will always be difficult to produce a definitive document that describes every possible situation of misleadingness.

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Distinguishing production and use

• A strong sentiment from the feedback was the need to distinguish production and use. The production of statistics by Government departments and ONS requires rigorous collection and presentation of data, in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics. Once statistics have been published (ie produced), they are available for use, including by politicians. ‘Production’ can be thought of as an upstream activity, and ‘use’ as downstream. In the think-piece, we are focussing on the downstream element of ‘use’.

• Although the paper focuses on downstream ‘use’, we should recognise that the way statistics are produced can raise risks of misinterpretation and hence be used in a misleading way. OSR frequently addresses issues with production, such as poor presentation or incomplete commentary, in our regular reviews of statistics. This work lies outside the scope of this paper.

• In thinking about ‘use’, we recognise that there is often a range of actors involved in presenting a claim about statistics: the Government body that produces and publishes the statistics; the communications team that presents information drawing on the statistics; media interpretation and summary of what is said; social media reuse of short segments of what is said; and many more actors. It is not OSR’s role to intervene at all points in this chain. Our role is to focus on how prominent politicians take the statistics and use them in their own communications – for example, speeches, press releases, social media statements. There are other organisations, including Ofcom and press regulators, who consider the work of various media actors.

• In terms of ‘use’, there will always be a risk that too much weight is put on a particular set of statistics. As Paul Allin, chair of the Statistics User Forum, told us: “Statistics rely on precise definitions of things being measured, but result almost invariably in some imprecision on the measurement. Statistics are not strict accounts and may have confidence or error limits.”

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Intention not a helpful concept to guide our judgement

• Intention is not a helpful basis for guiding or supporting the OSR’s judgements about misleadingness. Both regulators and philosophers agreed that deciding someone has intended to mislead is difficult, subjective, and likely to lead to unnecessary controversy.

• It is far better to consider likely impact on audience, rather than intentions of the speaker. This approach is consistent with that taken when judging misleadingness in other contexts, for example by the Advertising Standards Authority and Ofcom.

• Judging intention may be important to some people – for example, journalists wishing to understand and explain the factors behind particular decisions or arguments. But OSR is forming a view on the appropriate use and interpretation of the statistics, not judging the motivations and drivers of the person using the statistics.

• Although judging the intention of the speaker may not be the right approach for OSR, when considering materiality we will look at whether the use of statistics is significant – and one element in this consideration can be whether a particular use is repeated over time or part of a prepared communication (speech, political ad, etc). These factors will inform how we take forward a case – for example, how strongly we express any concerns we may have.

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Aspects not covered by the initial think-piece

• Some specific issues arose that need further consideration:

  1. There were some risk factors that the original think-piece did not consider, for example the use of incomplete statistical evidence (eg placing too much weight on early results of a new policy) or recency (eg placing too much weight on the latest data, even if changes the new data appear to show are not meaningfully different from past data).
  2. Many of the cases that OSR will deal with are relatively simple – for example, false statements that should be corrected, or use of unpublished data. In these cases, misleadingness would not be considered. In more complex or ambiguous cases where it is harder to reach a judgement, OSR would consider whether a statement has been misleading.


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Use of statistics in political communication

• The think-piece is relatively silent on the role of intermediaries. In one of our conversations we discussed a scenario in which a speech that is carefully constructed, well researched and uses statistics appropriately, is summarised in a single soundbite in media reporting. It was suggested that the speaker may actually intend this outcome, knowing that a careful speech will inevitably be packaged into a soundbite that could be misleading.

• As noted above, in the case of media intermediaries, the OSR approach would typically focus on the content of the original communication, not the media reporting of it. In the same way that we can’t assume the intentions of a speaker, it is similarly difficult to comment directly on the interpretation made by intermediaries. We can however give our view on the correct interpretation of the underlying statistics.

• One particular feature of political rhetoric, highlighted to us by Thomas King of the RSS Data Ethics section, is that different actors can draw widely different conclusions from the same underlying evidence. The point of democratic discussion is that different arguments are put forward; different narratives are presented; and different visions of good policy and the public interest are articulated. OSR’s role is not to judge these different perspectives, nor to limit the use of statistics to support them. Instead, our role is more humble: we simply try to ensure that the statistics are used in a way that does not give a misleading impression of the statistical picture.

• It is not OSR’s ambition to be an arbiter of political debate, nor would it be appropriate. Our role is to protect the role of statistics in public debate – that is, to ensure that their content and any caveats are respected in the way that they are used.

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Evolving the thinkpiece

Based on the findings from above, we have evolved how we consider these questions, by downplaying intention, recognising complexity, adding in further risk factors, and being clearer on the circumstances in which it is relevant to consider misleadingness.

For simple cases which are about false statements these considerations are not relevant. (An example is provided in the annex in which a clear misstatement about education funding was brought to our attention and was subsequently corrected). However, for complex cases, which are about the interpretation and weight put on statistics, these considerations are relevant. In all complex cases, we would use the core definition below to guide our judgment.

Old definition:

“We are concerned when, on a question of significant public interest, the way statistics are used is likely to leave a reasonable person believing something which the full statistical evidence would not support.”

New definition:

“We are concerned when, on a question of significant public interest, the way statistics are used is likely to leave audiences believing something which the relevant statistical evidence would not support.”

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Each piece of casework will be subjected to the same initial consideration, asking the following question:

Is this a question of ‘use’ of statistics, or of ‘production’?

If it is the latter, OSR will consider the issue in line with our interventions policy and the Code of Practice for Statistics, and look to address the question:

We are concerned when, on a question of significant public interest, the way statistics are used is likely to leave audiences believing something which the relevant statistical evidence would not support.

In addressing this question, there are three aspects to consider:

1: The nature of the issue

It is important to start with the issue and the context. This will enable consideration of whether relevant audiences are likely to be misled about a particular set of statistics, and whether there is any evidence that they have been misled. [This is based on approach 2 from the original think-piece]

There could be a range of audiences, of course, ranging from technically knowledgeable specialists to the general public, and OSR should consider which of these audiences is most relevant in considering the way the statistics have been used.

2: Risk factors

There are some recurring features of the way statistics are used that constitute risk factors – factors that can give audiences a different impression from that provided by the full, underlying evidence. [This is an extended version of approach 3 from the original think-piece]


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The risk factors are:

1. There is selectivity of data points to support a claim which other data points do not support. (for example, from a time series)

2. There is selectivity of a metric to support a claim which other related metrics do not support (for example absolute figures rather than percentage or cash terms rather than real terms)

3. The language used does not fully represent the available statistics (for example implying the statistics represent a much broader or narrower definition than appropriate.)

4. There are methodological choices which lead to potential bias in the presented figures

5. No source or methodology is given, making it likely that a hearer could draw inaccurate conclusions about what the available statistics represent

6. Poor quality data is used, making it likely that the hearer will believe something which is untrue

7. There is an inappropriate choice of graph axis or data

8. The causality of a statistic is overstated, making it likely that the hearer will believe there is stronger evidence to support a causal link than exists

9. There is an error in the statistic used – for example, the figures for the wrong year are used to describe a change over time

10. NEW There is undue weight put on recent or new data

11. NEW There is too much emphasis on data that are incomplete. (For example, early results from a trial)

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3: Materiality

Not all uses are as prominent as each other. It is important to consider the context of the use of statistics and ask the following questions:

• Is it a one-off or repeated use?
• Is it on a subject that the speaker has formal responsibility for?
• Is it part of a prepared speech or not?
• What is the public profile of the person using the statistics?

The answer to these questions will determine how significant the issue appears to be, with a one-off remark being less significant than a repeated use. [This is based on approach 1 from the original think-piece, but with no consideration of intention]

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Next steps

Although we already employ many of the concepts in this think-piece in our ongoing work, it is not yet finalised and we will continue to explore how it operates in practice. We would also welcome further comment to guide future updates and improvements.

If you’d like to get in touch with us about this document, please email us.


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