Our structure


Our budget for 2023/24 is approximately £3.27 million – This includes a baseline budget of £3.1 million consistent with the three previous years (within which we will need to absorb any inflationary pressures) plus an additional £0.17 million to fund a rolling programme of economic statistics scrutiny with a focus on quality. Our team of 53 people (51.2 FTE) is based across sites in London, Newport, Edinburgh and Titchfield and operates a hybrid model of working, allowing the team to operate flexibly between the office and home.


Our Organisation

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Director General for Regulation and Senior Leadership Team

5.8 Full-time equivalent (FTE)



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Topic domains*

Statistics Regulators – 28 FTE



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Development functions*

Policy and Standards – 1 FTE
Research – 2 FTE
Data and Methods – 4 FTE
Insight and Evaluation – 1.7 FTE

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Support functions

Private Office and Casework – 3 FTE
Public Affairs and Digital Communications – 2.8 FTE
Regulation Support – 2.9 FTE


*We will also seek to employ 6 Interns across our Topic Domains and Development Functions during Summer 2023.


Our Domains

Through our eight regulatory domains, our statistics regulators engage with users and producers of statistics, identify risks around the potential misuse of statistics and intervene in a timely way, and manage programmes of work to deliver on our priorities. We work flexibly across our domains, drawing on support from colleagues and bringing together cross-cutting teams where it adds value: for example, our internal Economic Forum draws on expertise from our Economy, Business and Trade and Labour Market and Welfare domains as a minimum.

For a list of projects which are programmed for each domain please refer to our Regulatory Work Programme. You may also visit the domain pages on our website where you can find more information on live projects and contact details. Our domains are:

  • Children, Education and Skills
  • Crime and Security
  • Economy, Business and Trade
  • Health and Social Care
  • Housing, Planning and Local Services
  • Labour Market and Welfare
  • Population and Society
  • Transport, Environment and Climate Change

Our Development Functions

Complementing our domain activities, we have four key functions that help drive forward our ambitions. Common elements to these functions are that they are innovation-led and that they broaden our reach – both in the way we gather and process intelligence and the way that we share what we have learned with our stakeholders. Each of these functions are supported by our team of regulators.

Research – Leading a better understanding of the public good is the foundation of our vision. We can’t deliver on our vision of statistics that serve the public without a proper understanding of what this means.

Data and Methods – Our Data and Methods programme underpins all parts of our work. There are three dimensions: applying data science techniques to support our regulators; data and methods in government; and AI policy.

Insight – Our Insight function has strategic oversight of how OSR uses intelligence and data to deliver on our vision. The function provides the expertise and infrastructure to support a culture of insight across OSR that will inform how we regulate and inform and benefit the wider statistical system.

Policy and Standards – Our policy and standards function maintains the Code of Practice for Statistics and the associated policies and guidance and leads on promoting and supporting adoption of the Code across the UK.

Our Senior Leadership Team

OSR is led by the Director General for Regulation, Ed Humpherson. The Director General is supported by a leadership team which includes:

Deputy Director for Regulation – Rob Kent-Smith – drives OSR’s development as a regulator, focusing on strategy, capability and impact, and how we secure positive change in the statistics system.

Head of Assessment and Compliance Checks Programme – Mark Pont. Also heads our Newport site and leads engagement in Wales. Domain sponsor for Economy, Business and Trade; Economy; Labour Market and Welfare; and Transport, Environment and Climate Change domains.

Head of Systemic Review Programme – Gail Rankin. Also heads our Edinburgh site and leads engagement in Scotland. Domain sponsor for Children, Education and Skills; Crime and Security; Health and Social Care; and Housing, Planning and Local Services domains.

Head of Casework – Elise Baseley. Leads the delivery of our casework programme and manages the operation of the casework team (based in the Director General’s private office) and is domain sponsor for our Population and Society domain.

Head of Strategic Development and Impact – Helen Miller-Bakewell. Oversees our Policy and Standards, Research and Data and Methods functions. Also heads our London site and leads on engagement in Northern Ireland.

Our Support Functions

Private Office and Casework – Private Office supports the Director General for Regulation and coordinates our Casework Programme, which undertakes monitoring to identify and investigate issues raised with the Authority.

External Affairs and Digital Communications – This team oversees OSR’s communications strategy and provides the Director General and his team with expert communications support and advice. The team also lead our website, publishing and social media strategy.

Regulation Support – This team supports OSR business and resource planning, management of our work programme, and evaluation of our impact. It also coordinates the Insight function. The team also provides local business support across all our sites.

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