We are fully committed to supporting producers of statistics during this challenging time.
Producers have shown and continue to show great flexibility in adapting what they collect and publish to respond to this new environment.
As we adjust to changes in our society and the economy, our aim is for statistics to continue to be of high quality, to be trustworthy, and to be valuable in meeting the information needs of society to serve the public good.
We have published a package of measures to assist producers including:
- guidance on factors that producers should consider when making changes to data collection, statistics production and release
- a statement outlining our position and expectations on the use of management information by government and other public bodies
- guidance for statistical producers on suspending National Statistics status
- setting out an approach to rapid regulatory reviews, potentially including National Statistics status, for any new outputs published by producers which inform the public about the coronavirus and its economic and social impacts.
We will support sensible changes to existing production practices.
During the Covid-19 outbreak, OSR has carried out rapid reviews of new official statistics that have been produced in response to the outbreak. This table provides easy access to information about OSR’s endorsements following those reviews.
This table notes exemptions to the normal practices of the Code of Practice for Statistics that OSR has agreed with statistical producer bodies in the light of the Covid-19 outbreak following OSR guidance.
Official statistics that have been assessed to meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and value expected by the Code of Practice for Statistics are assigned National Statistics status. This table lists those statistics that will continue to be produced but where, because of the Covid-19 outbreak, it has not been possible for the producer body to comply with the Code of Practice in full. In those cases National Statistics status has been suspended. We have issued guidance to help producers when considering suspension of National Statistics status.
OSR statement on data transparency and the role of Heads of Profession for Statistics (July 2021)
OSR calls for further progress on vaccination data in response to PACAC inquiry (Feb 2021)
OSR statement on the impact of COVID-19 on the Labour Force Survey (Feb 2021)
Which COVID-19 deaths figures should I be looking at? (Blog from Jan 2021)
UK Data on Hospital Capacity and Occupancy (December 2020)
OSR Statement regarding transparency of data related to COVID-19 (November 2020)
Statement from the Office for Statistics Regulation on Grade adjustment in UK exams in 2020 (August 2020)
Measurement of deaths related to COVID-19 (August 2020)
Scottish Government use of COVID-19 prevalence rates (July 2020)
Our Review of NHS Test and Trace statistics in England (July 2020)
Covid-19 Local Area Data (July 2020)
Presenting estimates of R by government and allied bodies across the United Kingdom (June 2020)
Data and Statistics on COVID-19 impacts on the Care sector (June 2020)
Mary Gregory to Johanna Hutchinson: Statistics informing quarantine requirements for arrivals to England (July 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Johanna Hutchinson (JBC): Transparency in Statistics (July 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Use of hospital admission data (June 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Lucy Vickers: Weekly statistics for rapid asymptomatic testing in England (April 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson: Review of statistics on COVID-19 vaccinations published by NHS England (April 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Professor Sheila Bird: Transparency around asymptomatic testing in secondary schools (March 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell (ONS): COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics (March 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Simon Briscoe: Care Home vaccine statements (February 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc teacher analysis (January 2021)
Ed Humpherson to producers of health-related statistics across the UK: Number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in the UK (January 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Richard Pengelly, Department of Health, Northern Ireland: Number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in the UK (January 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Presentation of findings from the Discharges from NHSScotland hospitals to care homes report (January 2021)
Ed Humpherson to Chris Whitty: Transparency of data related to COVID-19 (November 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Sir Patrick Vallance: Transparency of data related to COVID-19 (November 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Michael Brodie: Official Statistics: National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports (October 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Baroness Dido Harding: Reasons for getting a COVID-19 test: Survey of regional and local testing sites (October 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Stephen Balchin: Publication of ad hoc statistics (September 2020)
Ed Humpherson response to Will Moy: COVID-19: test times response at PMQs 3 June 2020 (August 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Use of COVID-19 prevalence rates by Scottish Government (July 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Jeremy Pocklington: Management Information on Rough Sleepers (June 2020)
Sir David Norgrove letter to Matt Hancock (June 2020) and Matt Hancock’s response ( June 2020)
Sir David Norgrove letter to Matt Hancock (May 2020) and Matt Hancock’s response (May 2020)
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Universal Credit Management Information (April 2020)
Letter from Ed Humpherson to Mr Pengelly, regarding statistical information relating to COVID-19 in Northern Ireland (April 2020)