Annex B: Participant demography information
18-24: 6
25-34: 20
35-44: 19
45-54: 8
55-64: 13
65-74: 1
Blank: 1
England: 19
Wales: 19
Northern Ireland:14
Arabic: 2
Black, African Caribbean: 18
Chinese: 1
Human: 2
Middle Eastern: 4
South Asian: 16
White: 21
White European: 4
Female: 40
Male: 28
Social position
Low income: 6
Working class: 20
Working class, educated: 10
Middle-class: 19
Homemaker/carer/ill: 8
Retired: 5
Note: a) Social position and ethnicity were free text responses; responses for the remaining questions were pre-fixed categories.
The attendees were asked to complete a voluntary, anonymous demographic information form. The demographic characteristics of those who responded indicate a 60:40 female to male ratio. Participants were mostly young to midlife adults, with two thirds of participants between 25-44 years: few being under 24 or over 64. Social class responses showed roughly 53% defining as working class or low income. Around 80% were working, with those not working retired, caring for relatives or small children, or unable to work due to ill-health.
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