Please see the UK Statistics Authority webpages for correspondence sent from Sir Robert Chote or Sir David Norgrove.
For all correspondence between 2008–2017 view our Archive1067 items of correspondence found
Ed Humpherson response to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney: Department for Education COVID-19 school statistics
10 December 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney to Ed Humpherson: Department for Education COVID-19 school statistics
10 December 2020
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sean Whellams: Geographical disaggregation of Eat Out to Help Out data
9 December 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HMRC
Ed Humpherson response to Sir Andrew Watson: population projections and mid-year population estimates for Coventry
3 December 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Andrew Watson, CPRE Warwickshire
Sir Andrew Watson to Ed Humpherson and Sir David Norgrove: population projections and mid-year population estimates for Coventry
3 December 2020
Sir Andrew Watson, CPRE Warwickshire to Ed Humpherson, Sir David Norgrove, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson response to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc analysis
2 December 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney to Ed Humpherson: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc analysis
2 December 2020
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to producers of health-related statistics across the UK: Statistics to monitor the UK’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
1 December 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Lyndsey Melbourne: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for estimates of station usage
1 December 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office for Rail and Road
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Coronavirus (COVID-19) weekly insights: Key health indicators in England
27 November 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics