Correspondent: Anita Morrison
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Alternative Release Times for Economic Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish Health and Wellbeing Census
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Tony Dent: Consumer Prices Accreditation Status
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: Consumer Prices Accreditation Status
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Health and Wellbeing Census
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Developing a modern statistical system – A review of Scotland’s Census 2022
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish Government review of Scotland’s Census 2022
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith to Alex Lambert & Liz McKeown: ONS’s transformation of the Labour Force Survey (TLFS)
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
OSR to Sai: Methodology of Justice Data Lab statistics
Office for Statistics Regulation
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith: OSR review of salmon statistics
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Environment Agency
Letter from Sir Robert Chote to Jeremy Balfour MSP – Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Jeremy Balfour, Scottish Parliament
SEEN in Health Chairs to OSR: Request to declassify NHS staff survey data
Chairs for SEEN in Health, SEEN in Health to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish Health and Wellbeing Census
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Oonagh Smyth: Assessment of Skills for Care’s statistics about the workforce employed by adult social services departments in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Oonagh Smyth, Skills for Care
Ed Humpherson to Oonagh Smyth: Statistics about the workforce employed by adult social services departments in England: Confirmation of accredited official statistics status
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Oonagh Smyth, Skills for Care
Ed Humpherson to Sandy Fitzpatrick, Director of Census and Social Statistics, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency: 2021 Census in Northern Ireland, phase 3 report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandy Fitzpatrick, NISRA
Siobhan Tuohy Smith to Elaine Drennan: Compliance review of disability payment statistics produced by Social Security Scotland
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Elaine Drennan, Social Security Scotland
Jen Woolford to Ed Humpherson: Review of the quality of police recorded crime statistics for England and Wales
Jen Woolford, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Letter from Alex Lambert & Jen Woolford to Ed Humpherson: Review of household total wealth in Great Britain
Jen Woolford, Alex Lambert, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alex Lambert and Jen Woolford: Review of Household total wealth in Great Britain
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
SEEN in Health Chairs to OSR: Request to Declassify NHS Staff Survey Data
Chairs for SEEN in Health, SEEN in Health to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to SEEN in Health Chairs: Request to Declassify NHS Staff Survey Data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chairs for SEEN in Health, SEEN in Health
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith to Stephanie Howarth: Statistics on Council Tax in Wales
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Regina McGeown: Request for assessment of Northern Ireland Public Transport Statistics and Road Network and Condition Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Regina McGeown, Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)
Regina McGeown to Ed Humpherson: Requesting an independent review for accreditation of Northern Ireland public transport statistics and road network and condition statistics
Regina McGeown, Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland) to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Emma Rourke to Ed Humpherson on the GSS workplan towards new harmonised standards for sex and gender identity
Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Grant Fitzner to Ed Humpherson: Temporary pause of the Personal well-being in the UK release
Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Grant Fitzner: Temporary pause of the Personal well-being in the UK release
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Rebekah Paul: Temporary suspension of accredited official statistics status of Sea Fisheries Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rebekah Paul, Marine Management Organisation
Rebekah Paul to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of accredited official statistics status of Sea Fisheries Statistics
Rebekah Paul, Marine Management Organisation
Ed Humpherson to Abbie Self: Review of MoJ’s criminal court statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Abbie Self, Ministry of Justice
Victoria Obudulu to Ed Humpherson: Alternative Release Time for weekly all-cause mortality surveillance reports
Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Victoria Obudulu: Alternative Release Time for weekly all-cause mortality surveillance reports
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Alternative Release Time for the UK Food Security Report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith to Mike Keoghan: Assessment of Business Investment statistics
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford: Accreditation of the estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Waiting times statistics in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Waiting times statistics in Scotland
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Spotlight on Quality Assessment: Price Index of Private Rents (PIPR)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Suspension of accredited official statistics status for Wales estimates produced from the Annual Population Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Stephanie Howarth to Ed Humpherson: Request to suspend APS accreditation
Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Michael Keoghan: Suspension of the accredited official statistics status for the estimates ONS produces from the Annual Population Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Michael Keoghan to Siobhan Tuohy-Smith: Request to suspend APS accreditation
Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics to Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Statistical Strategic Priorities in Scotland
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Statistical Strategic Priorities in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Tim Miller: OSR response to the Gambling Commission: ‘Gambling with Lives’ casework
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tim Miller, Gambling Commission
Mike Keoghan to Mark Pont: The Annual Population Survey
Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Mike Keoghan: The Annual Population Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Victoria Obudulu to Mark Pont: Winter Coronavirus (Winter CIS) Infection Study, England and Scotland
Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: Compliance Check of Social Housing Lettings in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Ed Humpherson to Maya Esslemont and Anna Powell-Smith: Modern slavery data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Maya Esslemont, Anna Powell-Smith, After Exploitation
Rob Kent-Smith to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Personal Independence Payment statistics – Confirmation of accredited official statistics status
Rob Kent-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Emma Rourke: Conclusions of OSR’s review of gender identity estimates for England and Wales from Census 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Marron and Jeanelle de Gruchy: ‘The economic and social cost of harms associated with gambling in England’ (2023)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Marron, Jeanelle de Gruchy, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
Emma Rourke to Ed Humpherson: Gender Identity statistics
Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jane Naylor: Business Population Estimates statistics 2024
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jane Naylor, Department for Business and Trade
Jane Naylor to Ed Humpherson: Business Population Estimates statistics 2024
Jane Naylor, Department for Business and Trade to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Jeremy Balfour MSP to Office for Statistics Regulation: Transport Scotland and Sustrans Walking and Cycling Index
Jeremy Balfour, Scottish Parliament to Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Jonathan Waller: Compliance Check of Higher Education Student Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Waller, Jisc
Ed Humpherson to Mr Jeremy Balfour MSP: Sustrans’ Walking and Cycling Index
Ed Humpherson, Office for National Statistics to Jeremy Balfour, Scottish Parliament
Mark Pont to Mike Keoghan: Annual Population Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Statistics about Butterflies, England and UK, Confirmation of Accredited Official Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
James Tucker to Mark Pont: Winter Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Study. ONS response to OSR compliance review
James Tucker, Office for National Statistics to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to John Perrett: Compliance Check of Individual Insolvency and Company Insolvency Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Perrett, The Insolvency Service
Mark Pont to Jon Simmons: Statistics on Police powers and procedures: Stop and search and arrests in England and Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Mark Pont to Maree Allison: Compliance Check of the Scottish Mental Health Officers Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Maree Allison, Scottish Social Services Council
Brian Green to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of Northern Ireland Research and Development Statistics
Brian Green, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Review on “Ensuring confidence in the economic statistics classifications process”
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Sir Ian Diamond: Assessment (phase one) of Admin Based Population Estimates for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford: Quality of the estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jen Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Philip Wales: Assessment of Northern Ireland Business Expenditure on Research and Development statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Philip Wales, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Liz McKeown: Assessment of Business Enterprise Research and Development statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Alternative Release Time for Economic Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Mike Keoghan to Ed Humpherson: Alternative Release Time for Economic Statistics
Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Letter from Sir Robert Chote to Paul O’Kane MSP: Scottish Government child poverty statistics
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Paul O'Kane MSP, Scottish Parliament
Sir Robert Chote to Rt Hon Richard Holden: Party spending claims
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Rt Hon Richard Holden, Conservative Party
Letter from Sir Robert Chote to Lord Bailey of Paddington AM: Housing statistics
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Lord Bailey of Paddington AM Londonwide Assembly, Greater London Authority
Letter from Sir Robert Chote to Karin Smyth MP: NHS waiting lists
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Karin Smyth, House of Commons
Letter to leaders of political parties in advance of the July 2024 general election
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority
Ed Humpherson to Permanent Secretaries: Transparency and Analytical Leadership
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Letter from Sir Robert Chote to Sarah Olney MP – statements on tax burden
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority
Letter from Sir Robert Chote to Jess Phillips MP – statements on crime
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority
NEU to Ed Humpherson: Comparisons of the proportion of good and outstanding schools over time
Daniel Kebede, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to NEU: Comparisons of the proportion of good and outstanding schools over time
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Kebede, National Education Union
Mark Pont to Gemma Brand: Statistics on Reported road casualties in Great Britain
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Gemma Brand, Department for Transport
Ed Humpherson to Jane Naylor: Trade Union Membership statistics 2023
to Jane Naylor, Department for Business and Trade
Jane Naylor to Ed Humpherson: Trade Union Membership statistics 2023
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Suspension of accredited official statistics status from Labour Force Survey-based estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Suspension of accredited official statistics status from Labour Force Survey-based estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Victoria Obudulu: Winter Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Study
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Mark Pont to James Tucker: Winter Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Study
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to James Tucker, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jon Simmons: Review of the quality of police recorded crime statistics for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford: Review of the quality of police recorded crime statistics for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jen Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Andy Cooke: Review of the quality of police recorded crime statistics for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Andy Cooke, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
Mark Pont to Alastair McAlpine: Compliance Check of the Scottish Health Survey Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Sir Robert Chote to Andrew Gwynne MP: Social care funding
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Andrew Gwynne, House of Commons
Ed Humpherson to Liz McKeown: Annual Business Survey Statistics – Confirmation of accredited official statistics status
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Waller: Assessment of the Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Data and Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Waller, Jisc
Ed Humpherson to Phillip Oppenheim: The UK’s standing in the tech and life sectors.
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Chris Roebuck: Request for assessment of NHS England Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS England
Mark Svenson and Chris Roebuck to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment of NHS England Cancer Waiting Times Statistics
Mark Svenson, Chris Roebuck, NHS England to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Catherine Bromley: Request to re-start assessment of the NHS Scotland workforce statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Catherine Bromley, Public Health Scotland
Catherine Bromley to Ed Humpherson: Request to re-start assessment of the NHS Scotland workforce statistics
Catherine Bromley, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Sir Robert Chote to Karin Smyth MP: Hospital beds
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Karin Smyth, House of Commons
Ed Humpherson to Alex Lambert and Liz McKeown: Review of re-introduced Labour Force Survey (LFS)-derived Labour Market Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Jonathan Russell: Compliance Check of Valuation Office Agency (VOA) Council Tax statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Russell, Valuation Office Agency
Oonagh Smyth to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of ‘The workforce employed by adult social services departments in England’ report
Oonagh Smyth, Skills for Care to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Oonagh Smyth: Assessment of ‘The workforce employed by adult social services departments in England’ report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Oonagh Smyth, Skills for Care
Alex Lambert and Liz McKeown to Ed Humpherson: ONS response to OSR review of reintroduction of LFS-derived Labour Market Statistics
Alex Lambert, Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Regulatory guidance on collecting and reporting data about sex and gender identity in official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Regulatory guidance on collecting and reporting data about sex and gender identity in official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Philip Wales: Regulatory guidance on collecting and reporting data about sex and gender identity in official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for National Statistics to Dr Philip Wales, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Emma Rourke: Regulatory guidance on collecting and reporting data about sex and gender identity in official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish House Condition Survey statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Philip Wales: Assessment of Business Enterprise Research and Development statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Philip Wales, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Mark Pont to Heather Bovill: Assessment of Business Enterprise Research and Development statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Heather Bovill, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Alex Lambert and Liz McKeown: Review of reintroduction of LFS-derived Labour Market Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Scottish House Condition Survey statistics
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Sir Robert Chote to Dame Angela Eagle MP: statements on tax changes
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Dame Angela Eagle, House of Commons
Ed Humpherson to Professor Sir Ian Diamond: Request for assessment of Admin Based Population Estimates for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Professor Sir Ian Diamond to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment of Admin Based Population Estimates for England and Wales
Sir Ian Diamond, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to William Wragg MP: Supplementary evidence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to William Wragg MP, Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee
Rob Kent-Smith to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Assessment of Personal Independence Payment statistics
Rob Kent-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Alternative Release Time for the Productivity Overview Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Revisions of estimates of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Phillip Oppenheim to Ed Humpherson: The UK’s standing in the tech and life sectors.
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Veronica Hawking: NHS waiting lists in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Veronica Hawking, 38 Degrees
Veronica Hawking to Sir Robert Chote: NHS waiting lists in England
Veronica Hawking, 38 Degrees to Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority
Mark Pont to Mike Keoghan: Assessment of Business Investment Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Response from Sir Robert Chote to Alistair Carmichael MP – Asylum backlog figures
Sir Robert Chote, UK Statistics Authority to Alistair Carmichael MP, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Assessment of Profitability GOS statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Economic, Social and Environmental Statistics Group
Ed Humpherson to Tony Dent: Household Costs Indices
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson and Chris Roebuck: Assessment of NHS England’s A&E statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, Chris Roebuck, NHS England
Emma Rourke to Ed Humpherson: OSR Review of International Migration Statistics
Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Rob England: Withdrawn Asylum Applications
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: Household Costs Indices
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Emma Rourke: ONS Migration Statistics Transformation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics
Maya Forstater to Ed Humpherson: ONS research into 2021 England and Wales Census data on Gender Identity
Maya Forstater, Sex Matters to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Maya Forstater: ONS research into 2021 England and Wales Census data on Gender Identity
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Maya Forstater, Sex Matters
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Assessment of Statistics from the People and Nature Survey England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Mike Keoghan to Ed Humpherson: Revisions of estimates of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Revisions of estimates of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Assessment of Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence Levels statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Welsh Government, 20 mph speed limit
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Alex Lambert and Darren Morgan to Ed Humpherson: OSR review into the recent publication of labour market statistics using alternative data sources to the LFS
Alex Lambert, Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alex Lambert and Darren Morgan: Review of experimental Labour Market Statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Waller: Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics Assessment Request
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Waller, Jisc
Jonathan Waller to Ed Humpherson: Higher Education Graduate Outcomes Statistics Assessment Request
Jonathan Waller, Jisc to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Accident and Emergency (A&E) Activity Statistics in Scotland: Confirmation of Accredited Official Statistics status
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Lucy Vickers: Statistics from the Adult Oral Health Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Vivienne Avery: Violent Crime Statement
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Vivienne Avery, Greater London Authority
Ed Humpherson to Darren Morgan: Labour market statistics derived from the ONS Labour Force Survey (LFS)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Assessment of Accident and Emergency (A&E) Activity Statistics in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Phillip Davies: Business Demography Statistics: Confirmation of accredited official statistics status
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Phillip Davies, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Emergency Department Statistics for Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Stephanie Howarth to Ed Humpherson: Emergency Department Statistics for Wales
Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Adam Yousef: Regional GDP estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Adam Yousef, GLA Economics
Ed Humpherson to Victoria Obudulu: Alternative release time for National Flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Victoria Obudulu to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release time for National Flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports
Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Confirmation of National Statistics Accreditation for Statistics on Statutory Homelessness in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Adam Yousef to Ed Humpherson: Office for Statistics regulation review of practices around estimates for GDP
Adam Yousef, GLA Economics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Jen Woolford to Ed Humpherson: Review of 2021 England and Wales Census data on Gender Identity – Interim report
Jen Woolford, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford – Review of 2021 England and Wales Census data on Gender Identity: Interim report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jen Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Scott Heald: Inpatients, day cases and new outpatients statistics in Scotland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Janet Egdell to Ed Humpherson: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Scotland’s Census 2022
Janet Egdell, National Records of Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Janet Egdell: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Scotland’s Census
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Janet Egdell, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Revisions of estimates of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Mike Keoghan to Ed Humpherson: Revisions of estimates of UK Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Philip Wales: NISRA outputs consultation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Philip Wales, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Philip Wales to Ed Humpherson: NISRA outputs consultation
Dr Philip Wales, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Assessment of Statistics about butterflies, England and UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Mark Pont to Ian Lonsdale: Wild bird population statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Mark Pont to John Marais Statistics on Sexual Offences in England and Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Sian Rasdale: Official Development Assistance Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sian Rasdale, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Mark Pont to Stephanie Howarth: Homelessness accommodation provision and rough sleeping management information
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Philipp Tanzer: Sex difference in online harassment
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Philipp Tanzer, Gender Parity UK
Mark Pont to Mike Keoghan Assessment of the Profitability of UK Companies and Gross Operating Surplus of private non-financial corporations statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of Accident and Emergency (A&E) Activity Statistics in Scotland
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Assessment of Accident and Emergency (A&E) Activity Statistics in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Mark Svenson and Chris Roebuck to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment of A&E outputs
Mark Svenson, Chris Roebuck, NHS England to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson and Chris Roebuck: Request for assessment of NHS England A&E statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, Chris Roebuck, NHS England
Max Hill to Ed Humpherson: statistics on rape and sexual offences
Max Hill, Crown Prosecution Service to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Steve Ellerd-Elliott to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment – Personal Independence Payment statistics
Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Response to request for assessment – Personal Independence Payment statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Max Hill CPS Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Max Hill, Crown Prosecution Service
Ed Humpherson to Chris Roebuck: Guardianship statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS England
Chris Roebuck to Ed Humpherson: Guardianship statistics
Chris Roebuck, NHS England to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Alex Lambert, Director of Surveys and Darren Morgan, Director of Economic Statistics Production & Analysis: ONS’s transformation of the Labour Force Survey (TLFS)
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Alex Lambert and Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Gillian McCrory and Gerard Colgan, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA): Transformation of the Labour Force Survey in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Gillian McCrory, Gerard Colgan, Alex Lambert, Darren Morgan, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Assessment of Producer Price Indices
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Josh Goodman: Launch of Office for Local Government (Oflog) and Local Authority Data Explorer
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Josh Goodman, Office for Local Government
Nick Taylor to Ed Humpherson: England and Wales Mortality Statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Nick Taylor, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Benefit Sanctions statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford: Update on the Review of 2021 England and Wales Census data on Gender Identity
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jen Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Chris Bailey: Data on empty and second homes in Council Taxbase statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Bailey, Action on Empty Homes
Ed Humpherson to Ian Knowles: National Statistics designation for the Key Stage 4 statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Education
Ed Humpherson to Professor Sir Ian Diamond: Assessment of statistics on Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for National Statistics to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Jon Simmons to Mark Pont: Annual Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals
Jon Simmons, Home Office to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Graham Archer to Ed Humpherson: Schools’ Costs Funding
Graham Archer, Department for Education to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Graham Archer: Schools’ Costs Funding
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Graham Archer, Department for Education
Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney to Ed Humpherson: Schools’ Costs Funding
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney: Schools’ Costs Funding
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union
Ed Humpherson to Will Moy: Home Office Transparency
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Will Moy, Full Fact
Ed Humpherson to Liz McKeown Updated Sustainable Development Goals article
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Nick Taylor: England and Wales Mortality Statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Nick Taylor, Office for National Statistics
Elise Baseley to Ally Fogg: Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) Teacher’s Toolkit on Ending Gender-Based Violence
Elise Baseley, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ally Fogg, Men and Boys Coalition
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Scottish House Condition Survey 2021
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish House Condition Survey 2021
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford: Statistics on Gender Identity based on the 2021 England and Wales Census data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Paul McKillen: Northern Ireland Homelessness Bulletin
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Jen Woolford to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of 2022 Census in Scotland
Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Professor Sir Ian Diamond to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment of Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, UK
Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Professor Sir Ian Diamond: Request for assessment of Earnings and employment from Pay As You Earn Real Time Information, UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Pam Duncan Glancy MSP: Cost of living measures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pam Duncan-Glancy, The Scottish Parliament
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson and Chris Roebuck: NHS England News Release
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, Mark Svenson, NHS England
Janet Egdell to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of 2022 Census in Scotland
Janet Egdell, National Records of Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to John Marais: Redevelopment of questions to measure domestic abuse in the Crime Survey for England and Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Jen Woolford: Assessment of 2022 Census in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Janet Egdell: Assessment of 2022 Census in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Janet Egdell, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Alternative Release Time for Public Sector Classification Guide and Forward Work Plan
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Casework on the Assessment of Salmon Stocks and Fisheries in England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Will Moy to Ed Humpherson: Home Office Transparency
Will Moy, Full Fact to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Alternative Release Time for Public Sector Classification Guide and Forward Work Plan
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Jon Simmons: Annual Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, Great Britain
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Request for assessment of Butterflies in England and Butterflies in the United Kingdom statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Ian Lonsdale to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment of Butterflies in England and Butterflies in the United Kingdom statistics
Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Lucy Vickers: Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Statistics for England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care
Mark Pont to Sarah Crofts: Compliance review of ONS’s Health Index for England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sarah Crofts, Office for National Statistics
Martin Weale to Ed Humpherson: Office for Statistics Regulation External Scrutiny Programme
Martin Weale, National Statistician’s Committee for Advice on Standards for Economic Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to John Marais: Statistics on modern slavery in the UK
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Jon Simmons: National Referral Mechanism and Duty to Notify statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Ally Fogg to UK Statistics Authority: Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) Teacher’s Toolkit on Ending Gender-Based Violence
Ally Fogg, Men and Boys Coalition to Office for Statistics Regulation
Sam Beckett to Ed Humpherson: Office for Statistics Regulation External Scrutiny Programme
Sam Beckett, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to David Pares: Treasury Inflation Infographic
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Pares, HM Treasury
Stephanie Howarth to Ed Humpherson: Wales Cancer Services Statistics Designation
Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Wales Cancer Services Statistics Designation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Steve Ellerd-Elliott to Ed Humpherson: Universal Credit Work Capability Assessment Statistics
Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Universal Credit Work Capability Assessment Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Mark Pont to Darren Morgan: ONS Labour Disputes statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Mark Svenson and Chris Roebuck to Ed Humpherson: Statistics on patients waiting more than 12 hours
Chris Roebuck, Mark Svenson, NHS England to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Simon Briscoe: Excess Deaths
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Stephanie Howarth: School Workforce Annual Census statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Request for Assessment of Waiting Times Statistics in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Request for Assessment of Waiting Times Statistics in Scotland
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Joel Smalley: Response to ONS Mortality Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Darren Morgan: OSR Assessment of ONS GDP, UK regions and countries statistics – Interim Findings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Norman Fenton, Martin Neil, Clare Craig and Scott McLachlan: ONS Deaths by Vaccination Status statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to David Wallace: Transparency and user engagement in the production of official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Wallace, Social Security Scotland
Simon Briscoe to Ed Humpherson: Excess Deaths
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Assessment of the Scottish prison population statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Rebecca Richmond: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Statistics on funded occupational pension schemes in the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rebecca Richmond, Office for National Statistics
Ian Lonsdale to Ed Humpherson: Response to the Assessment of statistics from the People and Nature Survey for England
Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Assessment of statistics from the People and Nature Survey for England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Jennifer Rubin to Ed Humpherson: use of National Referral Mechanism statistics
Jennifer Rubin, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Darren Morgan: ONS Business Enterprise Research and Development (BERD) Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Abigail Self: Review of pre-release access lists
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Abigail Self, Ministry of Justice
Kirsty Garratt to Thomas Franklin: Student Loan Interest Rates
Kirsty Garratt, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Emma Hickman: Housing, private rental, and housing purchase affordability statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Emma Hickman, Office for National Statistics
Abigail Self to Ed Humpherson: Final update on pre-release access lists
Abigail Self, Ministry of Justice to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Martin Weale: Office for Statistics Regulation External Scrutiny Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Martin Weale, National Statistician’s Committee for Advice on Standards for Economic Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Sam Beckett: Office for Statistics Regulation External Scrutiny Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sam Beckett, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Lyndsey Melbourne: Passenger rail performance statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road
Ed Humpherson to Maya Esslemont and Anna Powell-Smith: Modern slavery data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Maya Esslemont, Anna Powell-Smith, After Exploitation
Ed Humpherson to Jennifer Rubin: use of National Referral Mechanism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jennifer Rubin, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Brian Green: Statistics from Northern Ireland Research and Development Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Brian Green, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Scottish Research and Development statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Joel Smalley: ONS Mortality Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Jane Naylor: Inward Investment Results
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jane Naylor, Department for International Trade
Brian Green to Ed Humpherson: Business Expenditure Research and Development statistics
Brian Green, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Matthew Rycroft to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of Home Office statistics
Matthew Rycroft, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Research and Development Statistics for Scotland
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Tony Dent: Better Statistics CIC
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC
Ed Humpherson to Matthew Rycroft: Transparency of Home Office statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Rycroft, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Darren Morgan: Business Enterprise Research and Development (BERD) statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to David Simpson: Temporary suspension of HEIP statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Simpson, Department for Education
Mark Pont to Pete Whitehouse: Scottish Population Census
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pete Whitehouse, National Records of Scotland
Alex Lambert and Darren Morgan to Mark Pont: ONS Labour Force Survey (LFS) transformation
Alex Lambert, Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Thomas Franklin: Student Loan Interest Rates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Norman Fenton, Martin Neil, Clare Craig and Scott McLachlan to Ed Humpherson: The ONS data on vaccine mortality is not fit for purpose
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
David Simpson to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of HEIP statistics
David Simpson, Department for Education to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Alex Lambert and Darren Morgan: ONS Labour Force Survey (LFS) transformation
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Darren Morgan to Ed Humpherson: Business Enterprise Research and Development (BERD) statistics
Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: NHS Inform waiting times
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald and Alastair McAlpine: NHS Inform waiting times
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Alastair McAlpine, Public Health Scotland
Pete Whitehouse to Mark Pont: Scottish Population Census
Pete Whitehouse, National Records of Scotland to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: Better Statistics CIC
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Emma Rourke: Assessment of Deaths in the Care Sector Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics
Maya Esslemont and Anna Powell-Smith to Ed Humpherson: Modern slavery data
Maya Esslemont, Anna Powell-Smith, After Exploitation to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Abbie Self: Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System for England and Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Abbie Self, Ministry of Justice
Alex Lambert to Ed Humpherson: Confirmation of National Statistics for the Living Costs and Food Survey
Alex Lambert, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Ian Lonsdale: United Kingdom Food Security Report
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Ed Humpherson to Alex Lambert: Confirmation of National Statistics for the Living Costs and Food Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alex Lambert, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Alternative Release Time for Public Sector Classification Guide and Forward Work Plan
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Alternative Release Time for Public Sector Classification Guide and Forward Work Plan
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Amy Baxter: National Statistics designation for the police officer uplift statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amy Baxter, Home Office
Stephanie Howarth to Ed Humpherson: Update on Alternative release times for Welsh Government’s 2021 Census data
Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Alastair McAlpine: Planning performance statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Alternative release time for ONS’s Impact of increased cost of living on adults across Great Britain: June to September 2022 and Analysis of lowest cost grocery items: UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release time for ONS’s Impact of increased cost of living on adults across Great Britain: June to September 2022 and Analysis of lowest cost grocery items: UK
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Tony Dent: Better Statistics CIC
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC
Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith to Ed Humpherson: Update on pre-release access lists
Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith, Ministry of Justice to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Assessment of Wellbeing of Wales statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Jason Bradbury: Review of Ofsted’s Statistical Publications
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jason Bradbury, Ofsted
Mark Pont to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Pensioners’ Income Series statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Mark Pont to Scott Dennison Statistics on International Trade in UK Nations, Regions and Cities
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Dennison, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Joan Ritchie: Extension of pre-release access for the Perceptions of the Youth Justice Agency: Findings from the 2018/19 and 2019/20 Northern Ireland Safe Community Surveys due to postponement of publications
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Joan Ritchie, Department of Justice
Joan Ritchie to Ed Humpherson: Extension of pre-release access for the Perceptions of the Youth Justice Agency: Findings from the 2018/19 and 2019/20 Northern Ireland Safe Community Surveys due to postponement of publications
Joan Ritchie, Department of Justice to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Eugene Mooney: Extension of pre-release access to the Coronavirus Infections Survey (NI)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Eugene Mooney to Ed Humpherson: Extension of pre-release access to the Coronavirus Infections Survey (NI)
Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland) to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ruth Studley to Mark Pont: COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics
Ruth Studley, Office for National Statistics to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Steve Ellerd-Elliot to Siobhan Tuohy-Smith: Universal Credit Work Capability Assessment Statistics
Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions to Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: Representation, CIS & Value for Money
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Ruth Studley: COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ruth Studley, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Grant Fitzner: Alternative release time for Public Sector Classification Guide and Forward Work Plan
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Jane Naylor: Trade and Investment Core Statistics Book and UK Trade in Numbers Compendia
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jane Naylor, Department for International Trade
Grant Fitzner to Ed Humpherson: Alternative Release Time for Public Sector Classification Guide and Forward Work Plan
Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Alternative release time for ONS’s CPIH-consistent inflation rate estimates for UK household groups
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Universal Credit Work Capability Assessment statistics
Siobhan Tuohy-Smith, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Shannon Pite: Savings resulting from changes to the Early Years Childcare Ratio for two-year-olds in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Shannon Pite, Early Years Alliance
Mark Pont to Jessie Evans: Business Population Estimates
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jessie Evans, Department for Business and Trade
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release time for ONS’s CPIH-consistent inflation rate estimates for UK household groups
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Pete Whitehouse: Scottish Population Census
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pete Whitehouse, National Records of Scotland
Mark Pont to Ross Haggart: Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Incident and Organisational Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ross Haggart, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Steve Ellerd-Elliot to Mary Gregory: Universal Credit Work Capability Assessment Statistics
Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Scott Heald: Assessment of the NHS Scotland workforce statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, NHS Education for Scotland
Mark Pont to Sean Whellams: Benefits in Kind statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith: Ministry of Justice review of pre-release access arrangements
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Nancekivell-Smith, Ministry of Justice
Ed Humpherson to Peter Schofield: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Way to Work target and use of figures by government
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Peter Schofield, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Health and Wellbeing Census in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Response to request for assessment of the Scottish prison population statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Jo Peacock: Criminal barrister fees
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jo Peacock, Ministry of Justice
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Request for Assessment of the Scottish prison population statistics
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson response to Alastair McAlpine: Temporary suspension of National Statistics status for Education Maintenance Allowances
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Support for people rough sleeping management information
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Ed Humpherson to Jeremy Pocklington: Support for people rough sleeping management information
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jeremy Pocklington, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Ed Humpherson to Amy Baxter: Assessment of the police officer uplift statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amy Baxter, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Liz McKeown: Temporary suspension of National Statistics status for estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Rebecca Richmond: Assessment of Funded Occupational Pension Scheme Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rebecca Richmond, Office for National Statistics
Alastair McAlpine to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of National Statistics status for Education Maintenance Allowances
Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Shannon Pite to Ed Humpherson: Savings resulting from changes to the Early Years Childcare Ratio for two-year-olds in England
Shannon Pite, Early Years Alliance to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Liz McKeown to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of National Statistics status for estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales
Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Alternative Release Time for the UK Trust in Government Survey
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor: Assessment of Key Stage 4 Performance Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Mark Pont to Jessie Evans: Fuel Poverty statistics for England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jessie Evans, Department for Business and Trade
Ed Humpherson to Chris Roebuck and Mark Svenson: Statistics on patients waiting more than 12 hours
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, Mark Svenson, NHS Digital
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: 2020 Scottish Household Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Ian Lonsdale: Response to request for assessment – People and Nature Survey for England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Office for Statistics Regulation’s review of gender identity question and the Scottish Household Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Alternative release time for ONS’ UK Trust in Government Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Scott Heald to Mark Pont: Scottish Ambulance Service unscheduled care operational statistics
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sir Ian Diamond: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for 2021 Census in England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Scott Heald: Scottish Ambulance Service unscheduled care operational statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Scottish Ambulance Service
Ian Lonsdale to Ed Humpherson: Request for assessment – People and Nature Survey for England
Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Alternative release times for Welsh Government’s Population and household estimates, and Census 2021 topic summaries for Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Stephanie Howarth to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release times for Welsh Government’s Population and household estimates, and Census 2021 topic summaries for Wales
Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Request for alternative release time for ONS’ UK Trust in Government Survey
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: ONS Covid Infection Survey and Code of Practice for Statistics
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Scott Dennison and Andrew Walton: Consistency of industry-level exports statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Dennison, Andrew Walton, Office for National Statistics
Jennifer Henderson to Mark Pont: Statistics on land and property titles by country of origin for Scotland
Jennifer Henderson, Registers of Scotland to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson Joan Ritchie: Northern Ireland Safe Community Telephone Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Joan Ritchie, Department of Justice
Mark Pont to Jennifer Henderson: Statistics on land and property titles by country of origin for Scotland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jennifer Henderson, Registers of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Dr Eugene Mooney: Northern Ireland Outpatient and Day Case Waiting Time Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Jennet Woolford to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release time for Census 2021 data in England and Wales
Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to ONS: Response to COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ruth Studley and Esther Sutherland, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Grant Fitzner: National Statistics designation for Country and Regional Public Sector Finances
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Siobhan Carey: Suicide Statistics in Northern Ireland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
ONS to Ed Humpherson: Response to COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics
Ruth Studley and Esther Sutherland, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Neil McIvor to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of trust-led school system evidence for education White Paper
Neil McIvor, Department for Education to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to David Marshall (NISRA): Confirmation of National Statistics designation for 2021 Census in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr David Marshall, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
David Marshall to Ed Humpherson: Northern Ireland Census assessment
Dr David Marshall, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Pete Whitehouse: Alternative release time for NRS’s weekly deaths involving COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pete Whitehouse, National Records of Scotland
Mark Pont to Amy Baxter: Hate crime in England and Wales statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amy Baxter, Home Office
Mark Pont to Fiona Roberts: Hate crime in Scotland statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Fiona Roberts, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Mark Pont to PSNI: Hate motivation in Northern Ireland statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Head of Statistics Branch, Police Service of Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor: Transparency of trust-led school system evidence for education White Paper
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Ed Humpherson to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney: Transparency of trust-led school system evidence for education White Paper
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union
Dr Eugene Mooney to Ed Humpherson: Response to Northern Ireland (NI) Outpatient Waiting Time Statistics
Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland) to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Victoria Obudulu: Healthcare Associated Infections statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Ed Humpherson to Jennet Woolford: Alternative release time for Census 2021 data in England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Martin Mayock: Assessment of Family Practitioner Services Statistics in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Martin Mayock, Health and Social Care Business Services Organisation
Jennet Woolford to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release time for Census 2021 data in England and Wales
Jennet Woolford, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Grant Fitzner: Country and Regional Public Sector Finances
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Email correspondence between Ed Humpherson and Tony Dent: Code of Practice – CIS and Value for Money
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC
Ed Humpherson to Alastair McAlpine: Alternative Release Times for Official Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: ONS Covid Infection Survey and Code of Practice for Statistics
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Alison More: Modern Apprenticeship statistics in Scotland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Alison More, Skills Development Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Tony Dent: ONS Covid Infection Survey and Code of Practice for Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC
Ed Humpherson to Sean Whellams: Alternative release times request
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Stephen Aldridge to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme management information
Stephen Aldridge, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mike Keoghan: Confirmation of National Statistics Designation for UK Employment and Jobs Statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Keoghan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Grant Fitzner: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Labour Productivity Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Mary Gregory to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Universal Credit Work Capability Assessment statistics
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Stephen Aldridge: Transparency of Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme management information
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephen Aldridge, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Ed Humpherson to Victoria Obudulu: COVID-19 vaccine uptake in frontline healthcare workers statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Ed Humpherson to Simon Palmer: Transparency of statistics related to small boat crossings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Simon Palmer, Home Office
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of trust-led school system evidence for education White Paper
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Sir Ian Diamond to Ed Humpherson: Alternative release times for official statistics – making the case for public good
Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Mike Shone: Homes England Housing Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Shone, Homes England
Liz McKeown to Ed Humpherson: Sustainable Development Goals article
Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sir Ian Diamond: Alternative release times for official statistics – making the case for public good
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Liz McKeown: Sustainable Development Goals article
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales and Export Statistics (BESES)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Tony Dent to Ed Humpherson: ONS Covid Infection Survey and Code of Practice for Statistics
Tony Dent, Better Statistics CIC to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Sir Ian Diamond to Ed Humpherson: Review of Migration Statistics
Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Hugh Stickland: Rapid Review of the Over 50s Lifestyle Study
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Hugh Stickland, Office for National Statistics
Rachel Skentelbery to Ed Humpherson: Requesting assessments of ONS Official Statistics as National Statistics
Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Rachel Skentelbery: Assessment of ONS statistics for National Statistics designation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rachel Skentelbery, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Victoria Obudulu and Richard Laux: Use of unpublished data in February COVID-19 press briefing
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Laux, Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: Compliance Check of statistics on planning applications in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Ed Humpherson to Sir Ian Diamond: Review of Migration Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Adam Al-Nuaimi: Assessment of Welsh Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Adam Al-Nuaimi, Welsh Revenue Authority
Simon Palmer to Ed Humpherson: Police funding infographic for Beating Crime Plan
Simon Palmer, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Rapid Review of weekly COVID-19 and Winter Statistical Report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Mark Pont to Darren Morgan: Retail Sales Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Anna Price to Dr. Robert Hughes: NHS England and Improvement tweet
Anna Price, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Andrew Paterson: Disability and Transport – Findings from the Scottish Household Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Andrew Paterson, Transport Scotland
Mark Pont to Ian Knowles: Transport – disability and accessibility statistics, England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Ed Humpherson to Jon Simmons: Enhancing data and statistics about those subject to no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Mark Pont to Siobhan Carey, CBE: Women in Northern Ireland Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Mark Pont to Grant Fitzner: UK Trade Statistics – resilience of the statistics to economic shocks
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Assessment of the NHS Scotland workforce statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, NHS Education for Scotland
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Request for Assessment of the NHS Scotland workforce statistics
Scott Heald, NHS Education for Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Darren Morgan: Inclusion of VAT data in Short-Term Economic Outputs
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Will Moy: Statements on the number of people in work
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Will Moy, Full Fact
Will Moy to Ed Humpherson: Statements on the number of people in work
Will Moy, Full Fact to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Laura Gilbert: Statements on the number of people in work
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Laura Gilbert, 10 Downing Street
Ed Humpherson to Simon Palmer: Police funding infographic for Beating Crime Plan
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Simon Palmer, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Chris Mullin: Measures to support transparency
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Mullin, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Vaccination status of COVID-19 patients in critical care beds in Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Paul Trenell: Assessment of the police officer uplift statistics as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Trenell, Home Office
Paul Trenell to Ed Humpherson: Requesting assessment of the police officer uplift statistics as National Statistics
Paul Trenell, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Scottish Household Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Roger Halliday to Ed Humpherson: Scottish Household Survey
Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Andrew Banks: ONS Small Area Income Estimates
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Andrew Banks, Office for National Statistics
Jon Simmons to Ed Humpherson: Enhancing data on statistics about those subject to no recourse to public funds (NRPF) Update
Jon Simmons, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Brian Green to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics
Brian Green, NISRA to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ruth Callander to Ed Humpherson: Request temporary NS suspension for Learning Disability Statistics Scotland
Ruth Callander, Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Charlie McMillan: Reply temporary NS suspension for Learning Disability Statistics Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Charlie McMillan, Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities
Mark Pont to Joan Ritchie: Northern Ireland Prosecution and Conviction Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Joan Ritchie, Department of Justice
Simon Palmer to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of statistics related to small boat crossings
Simon Palmer, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Victoria Obudulu: Data to support statement made by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Mark Pont to Sean Whellams: HMRC Betting and Gaming Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Ed Humpherson to Deborah Lyness: Temporary exemption for later release time of NISRA’s weekly deaths statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Deborah Lyness, NISRA
Ed Humpherson to Brian Green: Assessment of Northern Ireland Broad Economy Sales and Exports Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Brian Green, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to James Wells: Use of data on patients in specialist care by vaccination status
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Ian Lonsdale: Funding for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Lonsdale, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Assessment of statistics on Statutory Homelessness in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Jon Simmons to Ed Humpherson: Enhancing data on statistics about those subject to no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Jon Simmons, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson: Use of data on specialist care
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Matthew Wilson: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Statistics on General Pharmaceutical Services in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Wilson, NHS Business Service Authority (NHSBSA)
Mark Pont to John Marais: Knife-Enabled Crime Statistics for England and Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Designation of Pay in the Northern Ireland Civil Service Statistics as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Emma Rourke (ONS) to Ed Humpherson: Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status publication
Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Dr Jo Saxton (Ofqual): GRading and Admissions Dataset for England (GRADE)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Jo Saxton, OfQual
Ed Humpherson to Amanda Spielman (Ofsted): GRading and Admissions Dataset for England (GRADE)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amanda Spielman, Ofsted
Sandra Tudor to Ed Humpherson: Transparency of data related to the levelling up Fund (LUF)
Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Transparency of data related to the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) November
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
Mark Pont to Rob Pike and Jane Naylor: Foreign Investment Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rob Pike and Jane Naylor, Department for International Trade
Rob Pike and Jane Naylor to Mark Pont: Foreign Investment Statistics
to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Emma Rourke (ONS): Deaths involving COVID-19 by vaccination status publication
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Emma Rourke, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Martin Mayock: Assessment of the NI Family Practitioner Services Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Martin Mayock, Business Services Organisation
Martin Mayock to Ed Humpherson: Requesting assessment of the Northern Ireland Business Service Organisation Official Statistics as National Statistics
Martin Mayock, Business Services Organisation to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Simon Palmer: Violence against women and girls funding
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Simon Palmer, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Victoria Obudulu: Seasonal flu vaccine uptake statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Victoria Obudulu, UK Health Security Agency
Mark Pont to Eugene Mooney: Northern Ireland (NI) Outpatient Waiting Time Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Simon Palmer: Transparency of statistics related to small boat crossings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Simon Palmer, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Stephen Penneck (RSS): Release of Home Office stop and search statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephen Penneck, Royal Statistical Society
Ed Humpherson to Dr Eugene Mooney: Alternate release time for Northern Ireland vaccination status statistics during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Peter Benton and David Marshall: Assessment of 2021 Census in England and Wales and 2021 Census in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Marshall, Peter Benton, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Paul Lowe: OSR Publishes Assessment Reports for 2021 Censuses
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland: Chronic pain waiting time statistics in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Mark Pont to Stephanie Howarth: Regional Economic and Labour Market Profiles
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Mary Gregory to Mark Svenson: COVID-19 Hospital Activity
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Test and Protect statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Dr Jenny Harries: COVID-19 vaccine surveillance statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Jenny Harries, UK Health Security Agency
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Lyndsey Melbourne: ORR’s Disabled Persons Railcard and Passenger Assistance statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office for Rail and Road
Mary Gregory to Paul McKillen: Confirmation of National Statistics Designation for Personal Independence Payment Statistics for Northern Ireland produced by the Department for Communities
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul McKillen, Department for Communities
Mark Pont to Helen Louwrens: Statistics from the Adult Inpatient Survey in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Helen Louwrens, Care Quality Commission
Ed Humpherson to Anna Feuchtwang: Chancellor’s use of poverty statistics on BBC Breakfast
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Anna Feuchtwang, End Child Poverty Coalition
Ed Humpherson to Bilal Evans: Transparency of data related to fuel stock levels
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Bilal Evans, Department for Business and Trade
Paul Lowe response to Ed Humpherson: Guidance for the sex question in Scotland’s Census
Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Jon Simmons: Enhancing data on statistics about those subject to no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Mark Pont to Tony O’Connor: UK Armed Forces mental health statistics
Mark Pont, Ministry of Defence to Tony O'Connor, Ministry of Defence
Mark Pont to Jo Peacock: Mortgage and landlord possession statistics, England and Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jo Peacock, Ministry of Justice
Ed Humpherson to Paul Lowe: Guidance for the sex question in Scotland’s Census
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: Local authority green belt statistics for England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, MHCLG
Mark Pont to Sean Whellams: HMRC Inheritance Tax Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Ed Humpherson to Richard Pengelly: OSR review of mental health statistics in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Pengelly, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Darren Morgan: Assessment of Annual Business Survey Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Mary Gregory to Jonathan Athow, Stephen Aldridge, and Sandra Tudor: Review of Household projections for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Stephen Aldridge, Jonathan Athow, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Mark Pont to Stephanie Howarth, Peter Whitehouse, Tracy Power, and David Marshall: Review of household estimates and projections for Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Peter Whitehouse, Tracy Power, Dr David Marshall, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Lucy Vickers: Rapid Review of Monthly Adult Social Care statistics for England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Sir Andrew Watson: Response to OSR’s review of population estimates and projections
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Athow: ONS response to OSR’s review of population estimates and projections
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Liz McKeown: UK natural capital accounts
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Liz McKeown, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Transparency of data related to the Levelling Up Fund (LUF) August
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, MHCLG
Ed Humpherson to Lucy Vickers: Review of NHS Test and Trace (England) and NHS COVID-19 app statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson response to Dr Richard Norrie: Hate crime statistics
to Dr Richard Norrie, Civitas
Dr Richard Norrie to Ed Humpherson: Hate crime statistics
Dr Richard Norrie, Civitas to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Jonathan Athow (ONS) to Ed Humpherson: OSR review of Population Estimates and Projections
Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Sir Andrew Watson to Ed Humpherson: Office of National Statistics’ Population and Household Projections for Coventry
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mary Gregory to Johanna Hutchinson: Statistics informing quarantine requirements for arrivals to England
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Johanna Hutchinson, Joint Biosecurity Centre
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Confirmation of National Statistics Designation for Benefit Statistics produced by the Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Matthew Wilson: Assessment of General Pharmaceutical Services in England statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Wilson, NHS Business Services Authority
Mark Pont to Tony O’Connor: MOD statistics on regional expenditure with UK industry and commerce and supported employment
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O'Connor, Ministry of Defence
Ed Humpherson to Daniel Shaw: National Statistics designation for Police Funding for England and Wales statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Shaw, Home Office
Sam Beckett response to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of the Living Costs and Food Survey
Sam Beckett, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sam Beckett: Assessment of the Living Costs and Food Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sam Beckett, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Laura Gilbert: Use of official statistics on child poverty in Prime Minister’s Questions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Laura Gilbert, 10 Downing Street
Mark Pont to Stephanie Howarth: Welsh Government Fire Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson response to Sandra Tudor: National Statistics designation for local authority revenue expenditure and financing, budget statistics, England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, MHCLG
Sandra Tudor to Ed Humpherson: Request for reinstatement of National Statistics designation for Local authority revenue expenditure and financing, England
Sandra Tudor, MHCLG to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Johanna Hutchinson (JBC): Transparency in Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Johanna Hutchinson, Joint Biosecurity Centre
Ed Humpherson to Professor Sylvia Richardson and Professor Jonathan Forster: Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Sylvia Richardson, Professor Jonathan Forster, Royal Statistical Society
Dawn Hudd response to Ed Humpherson: Review of Population Estimates and Projections produced by ONS
Dawn Hudd, Guildford Borough Council to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Use of hospital admission data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson response to Dr Joe Tomlinson: Use of statistics in judicial review reform
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Joe Tomlinson, Public Law Project
Dr Joe Tomlinson to Ed Humpherson: Use of statistics in judicial review reform
Dr Joe Tomlinson, Public Law Project to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Daniel Shaw: Assessment of the Police Funding for England and Wales Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Shaw, Home Office
Ed Humpherson response to Roger Halliday: Gender identity and Scottish Household Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson response to Professor John Jerrim: Request to undertake an independent review of the PISA data across the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Reporting of data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in Scotland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Daniel Shaw: Home Office Fire Incident Statistics and detailed fire and non-fire analyses
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Shaw, Home Office
Grant Fitzner response to Ed Humpherson: Assessment of UK Productivity Statistics
Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Grant Fitzner: Assessment of UK Productivity Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Labour Market Statistics for Young People
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Paul McKillen: Assessment of Personal Independence Statistics for Northern Ireland as National Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul McKillen, Department for Communities
Ed Humpherson to Matthew Wilson: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for Prescription Cost Analysis: England statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Wilson, NHS Business Services Authority
Ed Humpherson to Professor David Gregg: Review of Population Estimates and Projections produced by ONS
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sir Andrew Watson: Review of Population Estimates and Projections produced by ONS
to Sir Andrew Watson, CPRE Warwickshire
Ed Humpherson to Dawn Hudd: Review of Population Estimates and Projections produced by ONS
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dawn Hudd, Guildford Borough Council
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Athow: Review of population estimates and projections produced by ONS
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Chris Roebuck to Ed Humpherson: NHS Digital update on mental health statistics
Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Ed Humpherson to Tom Lee: Data on Deductions made to Universal Credit
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Lee, Child Poverty Action Group
Tom Lee to OSR: Data on Deductions made to Universal Credit
Tom Lee, Child Poverty Action Group to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Rob Pike and Jane Naylor: Compliance Check of ONS Foreign Direct Investment Statistics and DIT Inward Investment Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Lucy Vickers: Weekly statistics for rapid asymptomatic testing in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lucy Vickers, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Mark Svenson: Review of statistics on COVID-19 vaccinations published by NHS England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Professor Sheila Bird to Sir David Norgrove: Monitored Lateral Flow Tests (trice during 8-19 March 2021) for asymptomatic secondary pupils on their return to school
to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Ed Humpherson response to Professor Sheila Bird: Transparency around asymptomatic testing in secondary schools
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Iain Bell to Ed Humpherson: COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics
Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Ed Humpherson to Shaun Richards: ONS Average earnings figures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Jonathan Waller: Higher Education Graduate Outcomes data
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Waller, HESA
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell (ONS): COVID-19 Infection Survey Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Richard Laux response to Ed Humpherson: Use of unpublished statistics in news release
Richard Laux, Cabinet Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Sean Whellams: Child and Working Tax Credit statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HMRC
Ed Humpherson to Axel Antoni: EU Settlement Scheme application numbers
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mary Gregory to Neil McIvor: Use of unpublished data during Parliamentary Questions
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Ed Humpherson to Richard Laux: Use of unpublished statistics in news release
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Laux, Cabinet Office
Shaun Richards to Ed Humpherson: ONS Average earnings figures
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Rapid Review of Statistics from the Scottish Victimisation Telephone Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Office for Statistics Regulation’s guidance on collecting and reporting data about sex
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Amanda Hall: Statistics on Local Authority Registered Providers of social housing stock and rents in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amanda Hall, Regulator of Social Housing
Ed Humpherson to Simon Briscoe: Care Home vaccine statements
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Compliance Check of Scottish Prison Population Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson response to Simon Briscoe: Concerns regarding ONS GDP statistics during the pandemic
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Simon Briscoe to Ed Humpherson: Concerns regarding ONS GDP statistics during the pandemic
to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Siobhan Carey: Northern Ireland Economic Statistics – progress in meeting users’ needs
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Mark Pont to Jonathan Athow: Experimental statistics on Regional Household Final Consumption Expenditure
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Tony O’Connor, Ministry of Defence: Deaths in the UK regular armed forces statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O'Connor, Ministry of Defence
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc teacher analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to producers of health-related statistics across the UK: Number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Richard Pengelly, Department of Health, Northern Ireland: Number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Pengelly, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Scott Heald response to Ed Humpherson: Presentation of findings from the Discharges from NHSScotland hospitals to care homes report
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Presentation of findings from the Discharges from NHSScotland hospitals to care homes report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Mark Pont to Rob Kent-Smith: Experimental Estimates of GVA using Double Deflation
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rob Kent-Smith, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Deborah Lyness: NISRA’s weekly deaths statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Deborah Lyness, NISRA
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Communicating models and methods to users of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Professor Roger Halliday: Proportion of care homes in Scotland allowing and enabling indoor visiting
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: Land Use Change statistics and Land Use in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Mark Pont to Clare Griffiths: Statistics on Cancer Survival in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Clare Griffiths, Public Health England
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Assessment of Northern Ireland Planning Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: Compliance Check of the English Housing Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Ed Humpherson response to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney: Department for Education COVID-19 school statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney to Ed Humpherson: Department for Education COVID-19 school statistics
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Sean Whellams: Geographical disaggregation of Eat Out to Help Out data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HMRC
Ed Humpherson response to Sir Andrew Watson: population projections and mid-year population estimates for Coventry
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Andrew Watson, CPRE Warwickshire
Sir Andrew Watson to Ed Humpherson and Sir David Norgrove: population projections and mid-year population estimates for Coventry
Sir Andrew Watson, CPRE Warwickshire to Ed Humpherson, Sir David Norgrove, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson response to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney to Ed Humpherson: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc analysis
Dr Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, National Education Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to producers of health-related statistics across the UK: Statistics to monitor the UK’s COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Lyndsey Melbourne: Confirmation of National Statistics designation for estimates of station usage
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office for Rail and Road
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Coronavirus (COVID-19) weekly insights: Key health indicators in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Dr Sarah Rasmussen: ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey ad hoc analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr Sarah Rasmussen, University of Cambridge
Ed Humpherson to Daniel Shaw: Assessment of the Police Funding statistics for England and Wales as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Shaw, Home Office
Daniel Shaw to Ed Humpherson: Requesting assessment of the police funding for England and Wales as National Statistics
Daniel Shaw, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: COVID-19 infection survey publication time
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Rob Pike: Mergers and Acquisitions Statistics (ONS)
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rob Pike, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Mike Hardie: Consumer Price Inflation including Owner-Occupied Housing Costs (CPIH)
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Hardie, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Siobhan Carey: Department for Communities’ Benefits Statistics Summary for Northern Ireland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Assessment of the Department for Work and Pensions’ Benefit Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Sean Whellams: Working-age benefit combination statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Ken Roy to Ed Humpherson: User engagement in the Defra group
Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Confirmation of National Statistics Designation for National Insurance Number Allocations to Adult Overseas Nationals Entering the UK Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Paul Lowe response to Ed Humpherson: Guidance on the sex question in the forthcoming Census for Scotland
Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Sir Patrick Vallance to Ed Humpherson – Transparency of data and information related to COVID-19
Sir Patrick Vallance, HM Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Ed Humpherson to Chris Whitty: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Sir Patrick Vallance: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Professor Roger Halliday: Transparency of data related to COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Michael Cole: Assessment of Prescription Cost Analysis: England statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Michael Cole, NHS Business Services Authority
Ed Humpherson to Paul Lowe: Guidance on the sex question in the forthcoming Census for Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road: Assessment of estimates of station usage as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road
Ed Humpherson response to Peter Martin: Assessment of the NI Personal Independence Payment experimental statistics as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Peter Martin, Department for Communities
Peter Martin to Ed Humpherson: Requesting Assessment of the NI Personal Independence Payment experimental statistics as National Statistics
Peter Martin, Department for Communities to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Ole Black: Statistics on Internet Access and Use
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ole Black, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Sir Ian Diamond: Assessment of Business Demography Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Stephen Penneck, RSS to Ed Humpherson: Pre-release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Bill
Steve Penneck, RSS to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Stephen Penneck, RSS: Pre-release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Bill
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Penneck, RSS
Mark Pont to Sean Whellams: Statistics from the Survey of Personal Incomes
to Sean Whellams, HMRC
Ed Humpherson to Michael Brodie: Official Statistics: National flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Michael Brodie, Public Health England
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Scottish House Condition Survey Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson response to Siobhan Carey: Temporary suspension of National Statistics designation for Northern Ireland tourism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Siobhan Carey to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of National Statistics designation for Northern Ireland tourism statistics
Siobhan Carey, NISRA to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Daniel Shaw: Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Shaw, Home Office
Mark Pont to Ken Roy (Defra), Ingrid Baber (SEPA), Stephanie Howarth (Welsh Government) and Conor McCormack (DAERA): Local Authority Collected Waste Management statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ken Roy (Defra), Ingrid Baber (SEPA), Stephanie Howarth (Welsh Government) and Conor McCormack (DAERA), Defra
Ed Humpherson to Baroness Dido Harding: Reasons for getting a COVID-19 test: Survey of regional and local testing sites
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Baroness Dido Harding, National Institute for Health Protection
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Compliance check of ONS Overseas Travel and Tourism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Eugene Mooney: COVID-19 Infection Survey Results Publication Time
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Stephanie Howarth: COVID-19 Infection Survey Results Publication Time
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephanie Howarth, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Probation Board for Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Statistician and Lead Official for Statistics, Probation Board for Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson to Office of the Police Ombudsman NI
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Senior Statistician, Office of the Police Ombudsman NI
Ed Humpherson to Stephen Balchin: Publication of ad hoc statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephen Balchin, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Fiona Robertson: OSR review of approach to developing statistical models designed for awarding 2020 exam results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Fiona Robertson, Scottish Qualifications Authority
Ed Humpherson to Roger Taylor: OSR review of approach to developing statistical models designed for awarding 2020 exam results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Taylor, OfQual
Ed Humpherson to Philip Blaker: OSR review of approach to developing statistical models designed for awarding 2020 exam results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Philip Blaker, Qualifications Wales
Ed Humpherson to Justin Edwards: OSR review of approach to developing statistical models designed for awarding 2020 exam results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Justin Edwards, Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
Ed Humpherson to Paul Lowe (NRS): Assessment of 2021 Censuses in the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Assessment of 2021 Censuses in the UK – ONS Response to Preliminary Findings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to David Marshall (NISRA): Assessment of 2021 Censuses in the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dr David Marshall, NISRA
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Telephone-operated crime survey for England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson response to Mark Brooks OBE: Draft Statutory Guidance Framework (July 2020) – Domestic Abuse Act/Bill
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Brooks, Mankind Initiative
Mark Brooks OBE to Ed Humpherson: Draft Statutory Guidance Framework (July 2020) – Domestic Abuse Act/Bill
Mark Brooks, Mankind Initiative to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Tony O’Connor: Armed forces continuous attitude survey statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O'Connor, Ministry of Defence
Ed Humpherson to RSS: Review of statistical models used for grading 2020 exam results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Deborah Ashby and Sharon Witherspoon, RSS
Professor Deborah Ashby OBE and Sharon Witherspoon MBE, RSS to Ed Humpherson
Professor Deborah Ashby and Sharon Witherspoon, RSS to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Eugene Mooney: Publication of open and accessible COVID-19 data in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson response to Will Moy: COVID-19: test times response at PMQs 3 June 2020
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Will Moy, Full Fact
Will Moy to Ed Humpherson: COVID-19: test times response at PMQs 3 June 2020
Will Moy, Full Fact to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson response to Iain Bell: Covid-19 infection survey publication time
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Iain Bell to Ed Humpherson: Covid-19 infection survey publication time
Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Siobhan Carey: Statistics from the Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Use of COVID-19 prevalence rates by Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson response to Lewis Macdonald MSP: Press Statement from Public Health Scotland on Minimum Unit Pricing for Alcohol
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lewis Macdonald MSP, The Scottish Parliament
Lewis Macdonald MSP to Ed Humpherson: Press Statement from Public Health Scotland on Minimum Unit Pricing for Alcohol
Lewis Macdonald MSP, The Scottish Parliament to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Jess McGregor and Julie Billett to Ed Humpherson: Public Health England Care Home Management Information
Jess McGregor, Julie Billett, Camden Council to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson response to Jess McGregor and Julie Billett: COVID-19: number of outbreaks in care homes – management information published by Public Health England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Julie Billett, Jess McGregor, Camden Council
Ed Humpherson response to Peter Benton: Temporary suspension of National Statistics designation for overseas travel and tourism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Peter Benton, Office for National Statistics
Peter Benton to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of National Statistics designation for overseas travel and tourism statistics
Peter Benton, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Ken Roy: Confirmation of NS designation for Defra statistics on air quality and emissions of air pollutants
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Ed Humpherson to Iain Bell: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to Glyn Jones: Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Mark Pont to Roger Halliday: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Mark Pont to Siobhan Carey: Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: English Indices of Deprivation 2019 statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Ed Humpherson to Stephen Balchin: NHS Test and Trace statistics (England)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Stephen Balchin, Department of Health and Social Care
Ed Humpherson to Sean Whellams: Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Self-Employment Income Support Scheme statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HMRC
Scott Heald and Roger Halliday response to Ed Humpherson: The use of unpublished statistics in Scottish Government news release
Roger Halliday, Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Rapid Review of NHS England’s statistics on daily Covid-19 deaths in hospitals
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald and Roger Halliday: The use of unpublished statistics in Scottish Government news release
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Roger Halliday, Public Health Scotland
Mark Pont to Sandra Tudor: Compliance Check of Rough sleeping snapshot in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Response from Daniel Shaw to Ed Humpherson: Parliamentary question response
Daniel Shaw, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mark Pont to Glyn Jones: Compliance Check of the National Rough Sleeper Count in Wales
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Sir Richard Heaton: Publication of statistics relating to COVID-19 in prisons in England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Richard Heaton, Ministry of Justice
Response from Ed Humpherson to Sandra Tudor: Temporary suspension of National Statistics designation for Local authority revenue expenditure and financing
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Sandra Tudor, MHCLG to Ed Humpherson: Temporary suspension of National Statistics designation for Local authority revenue expenditure and financing
Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Glyn Jones: Monthly Indicators from the National Survey for Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Ed Humpherson to Daniel Shaw: Parliamentary question response
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Daniel Shaw, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor: Temporary exemption from Code for DfE attendance statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Ed Humpherson to Ken Roy: User engagement in the Defra Group
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Mark Pont to Tony O’Connor: Finance and Economic series: Trade, Industry and Contracts Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O'Connor, Ministry of Defence
Ed Humpherson to Rose O’Neill: Rapid review of interim indicators from the People and Nature Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Rose O'Neill, Natural England
Response from Jeremy Pocklington to Ed Humpherson
Jeremy Pocklington, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Siobhan Carey to Ed Humpherson: Devolved public finance statistics-Northern Ireland
Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Jeremy Pocklington: Management Information on Rough Sleepers
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jeremy Pocklington, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Ed Humpherson to Duncan Selbie, Public Health England: Sero-surveillance data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Duncan Selbie, Public Health England
Ed Humpherson to Ian Knowles: Rapid Review of DfT Transport Statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Ed Humpherson to Sir Ian Diamond: Review of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Publication of the first COVID-19 statistics weekly report by Public Health Scotland
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Peter Schofield: Universal Credit management information
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Peter Schofield, Department for Work and Pensions
Daisy Cooper MP to Ed Humpherson: coronavirus testing programme
Daisy Cooper, House of Commons to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Assessment of statistics on planning activity in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Athow: Production of ONS economic statistics during COVID-19
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Mark Pont to David Blunt: Proven re-offending and criminal justice system statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Blunt, Ministry of Justice
Response from Peter Schofield to Ed Humpherson: Universal Credit management information
Peter Schofield, Department for Work and Pensions to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Ed Humpherson OSR, to Dr Eugene Mooney, DoH NI: regarding statistical information relating to COVID-19 in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor: Coronavirus (COVID-19) attendance in education and early years settings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Letter from Dr Eugene Mooney regarding statistical information relating to COVID-19 in Northern Ireland
Eugene Mooney, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Letter regarding statistical information relating to COVID-19 in Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Pengelly, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Ed Humpherson to Jim Harra: Strengthening the quality of HMRC’s official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jim Harra, HMRC
Ed Humpherson to Ruth Stanier: Strengthening the quality of HMRC’s official statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ruth Stanier, HMRC
Ed Humpherson to Glyn Jones: Provision in local authority settings during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Response from Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Publication of COVID-19 related statistics by Public Health Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
Scott Heald to Ed Humpherson: Publication of COVID-19 related statistics by Public Health Scotland
Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Ed Humpherson to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government, on school expenditure
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Exceptional pre-release access granted for NISRA weekly deaths
Siobhan Carey, NISRA to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliott: Universal Credit management information
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Lyndsey Melbourne to Ed Humpherson: Requesting assessment of estimates of station usage
Lyndsey Melbourne, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Lyndsey Melbourne: Assessment of estimates of station usage
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road
Rapid Review of Coronavirus, the UK economy and society, faster indicators
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Request to temporarily suspend Northern Ireland travel and tourism statistics
Siobhan Carey, NISRA to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Temporary suspension of Northern Ireland travel and tourism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Temporary exemption from Code of Practice for National Records of Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pete Whitehouse, National Records of Scotland
Rapid review of ONS Opinions and Lifestyle Survey COVID-19 questions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Compliance Check of Rural Scotland Key Facts
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Temporary exemption from Code of Practice for HM Treasury market sensitive data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
Public Health Scotland Launch
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Public Health Scotland
NISRA request to temporary change to timing of key Northern Irish economic statistics
Siobhan Carey, NISRA to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson response to Siobhan Carey: NISRA request to temporary change to timing of key Northern Irish economic statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Temporary exemption from Code of Practice for Welsh Government market sensitive publications
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Temporary exemption from Code of Practice for Scottish Government market sensitive publications
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Scottish Government request to temporary change to timing of key Scottish economic statistics
Roger Halliday, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Welsh Government request to temporary change to timing of key Welsh economic statistics
Glyn Jones, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Review of DfE Experimental School Funding Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Devolved Labour Market Compliance Check
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Siobhan Carey, David Freeman, Glyn Jones, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Assessment of the UK employment and jobs statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Compliance Check of Timber Price Indices
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson letter to Sir Ian Diamond regarding changes to publishing times for market sensitive releases
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics
Sir Ian Diamond letter to Ed Humpherson regarding changes to statistical production and publication as a result of COVID-19
Sir Ian Diamond, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance Check of NHS Digital’s Mental Health Act Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Designation for Northern Ireland motoring offence statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Senior Statistician, Police Service of Northern Ireland
Nina Monckton to Ed Humperson: Requesting assessment of the prescription cost analysis
Nina Monckton, NHS Business Service Authority (NHSBSA) to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Nina Monckton: Assessment of Prescription Cost Analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Nina Monckton, NHS Business Service Authority
Compliance check of NHS Digital’s Recorded Dementia Diagnoses Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor, DfE regarding the Higher Education Initial Participation Rate (HEIPR)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Police Recorded Road Accidents statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy 2020 statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Michael Thompson, Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)
Police Recorded Injury Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties Northern Ireland statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Head of Statistics Branch, Police Service of Northern Ireland
Statistics on Reported Road Casualties in Scotland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Response on General Ophthalmic Workforce statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Devolved Public Finance Statistics Welsh Government
Glyn Jones, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Adult Social Care statistics in Scotland report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
The future delivery of social care in Scotland – OSR inquiry submission
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lewis Macdonald MSP, The Scottish Parliament
Transport Scotland press release on Aberdeen bypass
Lewis Macdonald, The Scottish Parliament to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
General Ophthalmic Workforce statistics
Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Business Investment in the UK statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Care Home Census for Adults in Scotland Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland
Care Home Census Publications
Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from NHS Digital on Adult Social Care in England
Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Home Office statistics on Police Workforce and Police Powers and Procedures
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Flatley, Home Office
Compliance Check of Subnational Population Projections
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Pete Whitehouse, Glyn Jones, Dr David Marshall, National Records of Scotland
Recruitment of 20,000 additional police officers in England and Wales
John Flatley, Home Office to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance check of Adult Social Care Productivity Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Hugh Stickland, Office for National Statistics
Adult Social Care Statistics in England Report – Letter to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Adult Social Care Statistics in England Report – Letter to Sandra Tudor, MHCLG
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Adult Social Care Statistics in England Report – Letter to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Mary Gregory, Office for National Statistics to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Adult Social Care Statistics in England Report – Letter to Iain Bell, ONS
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Assessment of National Rail Passenger Survey statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Louise Coward, Transport Focus
Compliance Check: Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
OBR Statement of Data Needs
Steve Farrington, Office for Budget Responsibility to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
OSR Review of the Public Value of Devolved Public Finance statistics – Chief Statistician’s Response
Roger Halliday, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance Check on HMRC Measuring Tax Gaps statistics – Response
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Anthony Burke, HM Revenue and Customs
Compliance Check on HMRC Measuring Tax Gaps statistics – Update
Anthony Burke, HM Revenue and Customs to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Voluntary Adoption of the Code of Practice – Block Grant Transparency statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
National Statistics confirmation: Public Expenditure Statistical Analysis: Country and Regional Analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
Compliance Check of Statistics on Recorded Crime in Scotland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Assessment of PSNI Motoring Offence Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Senior Statistician, Police Service of Northern Ireland
Assessment of ONS’ Purchases Survey statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) Statistics
Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Job de Roij, Office for Statistics Regulation
RPI CPI User Group – Authority’s response to ‘Measuring Inflation’ inquiry (2)
Tony Cox, RPI CPI User Group to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Review of HMRC statistical quality management
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Compliance check of Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Compliance check of Office of Rail and Road statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lyndsey Melbourne, Office of Rail and Road
Concerns about Participation Rates in Higher Education
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Compliance Check of Scottish Housing Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Compliance check of Scottish School Leaver Attainment and Initial Destinations statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Compliance check of Further Education and Skills statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Compliance check of ONS Overseas Travel and Tourism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Response on NHS funding
Mark Svenson, Department of Health and Social Care to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response: National Travel Survey – compliance check update
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Response on passport eGates figures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Lincoln, Border Force
Further steps to bolster the value of public finance statistics for the UK’s countries and regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Rough Sleeping Initiative evaluation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Assessment of 2021 Censuses in the UK – Preliminary findings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Siobhan Carey, Paul Lowe, National Records of Scotland
Response on developments to ONS Baby Names in England and Wales statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ben Humberstone, Office for National Statistics
Response – Request for Assessment: Northern Ireland Planning Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Michael Thompson, Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)
Developments to ONS Baby Names in England and Wales statistics
Ben Humberstone, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Joining Up Data for Better Statistics (October 2019 Update)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Response on ONS Domestic Abuse Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Dan Bell, Men and Boys Coalition
Further steps to bolster the value of public finance statistics for the UK’s countries and regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
Further steps to bolster the value of public finance statistics for the UK’s countries and regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Further steps to bolster the value of public finance statistics for the UK’s countries and regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Further steps to bolster the value of public finance statistics for the UK’s countries and regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Farrington, Office for Budget Responsibility
Further steps to bolster the value of public finance statistics for the UK’s countries and regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Bailey, Office for National Statistics
Compliance check of ONS Business Demography statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Prestwood, Office for National Statistics
Request for Assessment: Northern Ireland Planning Statistics
Michael Thompson, Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland) to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Statements on NHS funding
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, Department of Health and Social Care
Response on National Pupil Database Access
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jen Persson, DefendDigitalMe
Compliance check of DFID Statistics on International Development
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil Jackson, Department for International Development
Compliance check of Capital Stocks and Fixed Capital Consumption statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Darren Morgan, Office for National Statistics
Compliance Check of Business Enterprise Research and Development Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Grant Fitzner, Office for National Statistics
Response from the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Section 21)
Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, HM Government to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
OSR response to Scottish Parliament inquiry into primary care
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lewis Macdonald MSP, The Scottish Parliament
Use of ONS Domestic Abuse Statistics
Dan Bell, Men and Boys Coalition to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response on Reclassification of Migration Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Reclassification of Migration Statistics
Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Estimates of inbound visitors
Rebecca Pow MP, Fiona Hyslop MSP, Lord Elis-Thomas AM, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Scotland’s Block Grant Adjustment
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
National Statistics confirmation: Sickness Absence in Northern Ireland Civil Service statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Compliance Check of Road Accidents and Safety Statistics
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Compliance Check of Affordable Housing Provision in Wales
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Assessment of statistics on air quality and emissions of air pollutants
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Concerns regarding the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
Stephen Timms MP, House of Commons to John Pullinger, Office for National Statistics
Response on ONS Household Projections for England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
National Statistics confirmation: ONS Cancer Survival statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Response to DAERA Action Plan for Statistics from the Northern Ireland June Agricultural Census
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Máire Brolly, Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)
Care Quality Commission analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Trenholm, Care Quality Commission
Public Health Scotland Consultation Response
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Marion Bain, Scottish Government
Comparability of rough sleeping statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Compliance Check of Insolvency Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Perrett, The Insolvency Service
ONS Household Projections for England
Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
National Statistics confirmation: DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jackie Orme, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Compliance Check of Gambling Commission Industry Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Webster, Gambling Commission
Response to Compliance Check of Statistics from the Northern Ireland June Agricultural Census
Máire Brolly, Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland) to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response – Request for Assessment: Northern Ireland Motoring Offence statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Head of PSNI Statistics Branch, Police Service of Northern Ireland
Response on Department for Education funding statistics
Jonathan Slater, Department for Education to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
School funding in Wales
David T C Davies MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Request for Assessment: Northern Ireland Motoring Offence statistics
Head of PSNI Statistics Branch, Police Service of Northern Ireland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response on MoJ Court Statistics (cont.)
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Blunt, Ministry of Justice
Department for Education funding statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Slater, Department for Education
Department for Education funding statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
National Travel Survey – compliance check update
Ian Knowles, Department for Transport to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance Check of DWP Universal Credit Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Compliance Check of DWP Benefit Cap Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
National Achievement Rate Tables (NARTs)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Assessment of public expenditure statistical analysis: Country and Regional Analysis statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
Update on Review of NHS Digital’s Data Access and Sharing Processes
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sarah Wilkinson, NHS Digital
MHCLG response to letters on rough sleeping
Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance Check of ONS Labour Productivity Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Compliance Check of Measuring Tax Gaps statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Response on MoJ Court Statistics
David Blunt, Ministry of Justice to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Welsh Government Well-being of Wales assessment update
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Statements on ‘new jobs’
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Department for Work and Pensions
Statistics on Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Response – Attendance at National Portfolio Organisations and Major Partner Museums
Andrew Mowlah, Arts Council England to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Attendance at National Portfolio Organisations and Major Partner Museums
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Andrew Mowlah, Arts Council England
Ed Humpherson to The Honourable Mrs Justice Keegan DBE QC
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Justice Keegan, The Coroners Service, Northern Ireland
Ed Humpherson to His Honour Judge Mark Lucraft QC
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Lucraft, Chief Coroner for England and Wales
Response on Death-Registration Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Sheila Bird, University of Cambridge
Letter to Mark Svenson on winter A&E performance in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Closure of the Health and Care statistics Systemic Review
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ben Humberstone, Office for National Statistics
Compliance check of UK Healthy Life Expectancy Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Compliance check of Healthy Life Expectancy Statistics (Scotland)
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amy Wilson, National Records of Scotland
Compliance Check of National Population Projections
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amy Wilson, Siobhan Carey, Iain Bell, National Records of Scotland
Compliance check of Wales Examination Results statistics
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
NHS Whistleblowing statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance Check of Wales Homelessness Statistics
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Compliance check of Phonics Screening Check and Key Stage 1 Assessments in England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Jones, Department for Education
Compliance check of statistics from the Scottish June Agricultural Census
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Compliance check of statistics from the Welsh Survey of Agriculture and Horticulture
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Compliance check of statistics from the Northern Ireland June Agricultural Census
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Conor McCormack, Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)
Response to compliance check of statistics on Community Care in Northern Ireland
Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland) to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance check of statistics on Community Care in Northern Ireland
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Eugene Mooney, Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
Compliance check of Care Home Census Scotland statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland
Compliance check of statistics on Local Authority Revenue and Capital Outturn Expenditure in Wales
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Update – Concerns regarding the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Deborah Ashby, Guy Nason, Royal Statistical Society
Access to unpublished statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
National Statistics Confirmation: ONS Construction statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Response to the National Statistician’s plans to improve data sharing and linking
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Pullinger, Office for National Statistics
Concerns regarding the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF)
Deborah Ashby, Guy Nason, Royal Statistical Society to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from the Bank of England (Section 21)
Ben Broadbent, Bank of England to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
National Statistics confirmation: ONS Avoidable Mortality statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Response on Prison Population Projections
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Nick Mavron, Ministry of Justice
ONS Quarterly Migration Estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Giles, Financial Times
Assessment of Statistics on Cancer Survival in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Reporting the costs of domestic abuse
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mike Warren, Home Office
Compliance Check of Scottish Homelessness Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Statements on child poverty
Lyn Brown MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Response on Income and Earnings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Comments from the Stakeholder Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices
Kate Barker CBE, Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices (Stakeholder) to John Pullinger, Office for National Statistics
Compliance Check of Northern Ireland Housing Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Compliance Check of UK Sea Fisheries Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Kevin Williamson, Marine Management Organisation
Compliance Check of Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Statistics on Prison Population Projections
John Marais, Ministry of Justice to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response to Update on Statistics on Housing in England
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Rough Sleeping Statistics in England
Rt Hon John Healey MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Response to Estimates of Leasehold Dwellings in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Dennison, Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Compliance Check of MOD Health and Safety Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tony O'Connor, Ministry of Defence
Update on Statistics on Housing in England
Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response to National Rail Passenger Survey Assessment Request
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Louise Coward, Transport Focus
Response to England Biodiversity Indicators statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance Check on Court Statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Ministry of Justice
National Rail Passenger Survey Assessment Request
Louise Coward, Transport Focus to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
National Statistician response to ‘Joining up data for better statistics’ report
John Pullinger, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Letter to Glyn Jones on Cymraeg 2050: Welsh language strategy
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Statements on cuts to school funding (cont.)
James Cleverly MP, House of Commons
Response on UKEU White Paper
Philip Rycroft, Department for Exiting the European Union to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Port Freight Statistics Compliance Check
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Compliance check on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Higher Education Student Statistics Compliance Check
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Waller, HESA
Compliance Check of Household Projections for England
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Incomes and Earnings Review
Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Statements on cuts to school funding
James Cleverly MP, House of Commons
Response on Hospital Standardised Mortality Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scottish Government
Letter from Roger Halliday on Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios
Roger Halliday, Scottish Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jackie Orme, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Statistics from the Welsh Housing Conditions Survey: confirmation as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Letter from Scott Heald, NHS National Services Scotland, to Lewis Macdonald MSP, Scottish Parliament
Scott Heald, NHS National Services Scotland to Lewis Macdonald, The Scottish Parliament
Response to Lewis Macdonald on Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit of Critical Care
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lewis Macdonald, The Scottish Parliament
Letter to Mark Svenson on NHS Performance Measures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Letter to Roger Halliday on NHS Performance Measures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Letter to Glyn Jones on NHS Performance Measures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Response to adult social care statistics in Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Statements made on NHS funding
Andrew Selous MP, House of Commons
Ministers’ use of education statistics
Angela Rayner MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Assessment of Avoidable Mortality statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Assessment of Avoidable Mortality statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Amy Wilson, National Records of Scotland
Estimates of Leasehold Dwellings in England
Martin Boyd, Leasehold Knowledge Partnership
National Statistics confirmation: Balanced Estimates of Regional Gross Value Added (GVA) in the UK
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Arm’s Length Bodies in Scotland
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Response to statement on the attainment gap in schools
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Compliance check of Northern Ireland school examination performance
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pauline Donnan, Department of Education, Northern Ireland
Letter to Philip Rycroft on UKEU White Paper
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Philip Rycroft, Department for Exiting the European Union
Compliance check of Effects of Taxes and Benefits statistics
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Prison Population Projections compliance check
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to John Marais, Ministry of Justice
Assessment of statistics from the Welsh Housing Conditions Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Letter to Richard Heaton on Joining Up Data for Better Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Richard Heaton, Ministry of Justice
Letter to Jonathan Slater on Joining Up Data for Better Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Slater, Department for Education
Letter to Jon Thompson on Joining Up Data for Better Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Thompson, HM Revenue and Customs
Letter to Peter Schofield on Joining Up Data for Better Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Peter Schofield, Department for Work and Pensions
National Pupil Database Update
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Adult social care statistics in Wales
Glyn Jones, Welsh Government to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
International Passenger Survey compliance check: letter to Iain Bell
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
International Passenger Survey compliance check: letter to Guy Goodwin
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Guy Goodwin, National Centre for Social Research
Siobhan Carey reply to NISCS compliance check
Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mortality Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Professor Danny Dorling, Oxford University
Further letter on mortality statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Statements on UKEU White Paper
Lord Lilley, House of Lords to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Response from Jonathan Slater on Education Statistics
Jonathan Slater, Destination for Education to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response from Damian Hinds on Education Statistics
The Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP, Department for Education to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Letter to Neil McIvor regarding Department for Education Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Letter to Jonathan Slater regarding Department for Education Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Slater, Department for Education
Concerns regarding statistics on high-performing schools
Angela Rayner MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Department of Education statistics: PIRLS results
Janet Downs, By email to UK Statistics Authority
Update: progress against migration roundtable recommendations
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Describing European Economic Area (EEA) contribution figures
to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
UK House Price Index Statistics National Statistics confirmation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Registers of Scotland, Land and Property Services Northern Ireland, HM Land Registry
Northern Ireland House Price Index Statistics National Statistics confirmation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Re-designation of Characteristics of Children in Need statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Request for Re-designation of Characteristics of Children in Need statistics
Neil McIvor, Department for Education to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
National Travel Survey Compliance check
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Statistics on Energy and Climate Change
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Fry, Department for Business and Trade
Compliance check on Home Office’s statistics on immigration
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jon Simmons, Home Office
Regional Gross Value Added (Income and Production Approaches): confirmation as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Response on Key Stage 4 performance measures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Assessment of Community Life Survey: update
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Olivia Christopherson, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Further Response: Accident and Emergency Waiting Times in NHS Lothian
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland
Response on changes to statutory homelessness statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Communication of crime statistics by the Mayor of London
Oliver Cooper, London Borough of Camden to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Analytical outputs as Official Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Improving Statistics on City Regions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Further Update: Accident and Emergency Waiting Times in NHS Lothian
Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Search and Rescue Helicopter statistics compliance check
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Knowles, Department for Transport
Cross Government Housing and Planning Statistics Work Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Cross Government Housing and Planning Statistics Work Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Cross Government Housing and Planning Statistics Work Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Cross Government Housing and Planning Statistics Work Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Cross Government Housing and Planning Statistics Work Programme
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Glyn Jones, Welsh Government
Response: prescribing and medicine statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Response on statutory homelessness statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Owen O'Neill, By email
Statutory homelessness statistics
Owen O'Neill, By email to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Prescribing and medicine statistics
Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Update: Patient Safety Incidents Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Stroner, NHS Improvement
Statements made on NHS funding and a ‘Brexit dividend’
Tom Brake MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Travel and Tourism Statistics Update
Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Patient Safety Incidents Statistics
Paul Stroner, NHS Improvement to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Tourism Statistics
Guy Goodwin, National Centre for Social Research to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response regarding Tourism statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Guy Goodwin, National Centre for Social Research
Response to Statistics on Fraud and Error in the Benefit System
Tom Davies, Department for Work and Pensions to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response to statistics on housing in England
Sandra Tudor, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation
Northern Ireland House Condition Survey Main Report: confirmation as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Donna McLarnon, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios (HSMR) response
Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Scottish Economic Data
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Gordon Lindhurst MSP, Scottish Government
Follow-up: Accident and Emergency Statistics in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Mark Svenson, NHS England
Single-use plastic straws
Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Presentation of electoral fraud statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Scottish health statistics
Mary Gregory, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland
Statistics on single-use plastic straws
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ken Roy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios (HSMR)
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, Information Services Division, NHS Scotland
Statistics on health spending
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
The impact of immigration on house prices
Tom Brake MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Further reply on aid funding statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Rycroft, Department for International Development
Response on Oil and Gas Analytical Bulletin
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Lewis Macdonald, The Scottish Parliament
Reply on aid funding statistics
Matthew Rycroft, Department for International Development to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response regarding statements on housing and publishing analysis
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Melanie Dawes, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Response regarding aid funding news release
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Matthew Rycroft, Department for International Development
Statistics on Income and Earnings
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Universal Credit estimates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Trevor Huddleston, Department for Work and Pensions
Health and social care update
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to English Health Statistics Steering Group
Alcohol-Related Deaths: confirmation as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Debra Prestwood, Office for National Statistics
Fraud and computer misuse statistics: confirmation as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: confirmation as National Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Police Funding Statements
Louise Haigh MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Quarterly Sector Accounts designation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Northern Ireland Claimant Count: de-designation confirmation
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Northern Ireland Claimant Count: de-designation request
Siobhan Carey, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response on Benefit Sanctions Statistics – update on developments
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Davies, Department for Work and Pensions
Benefit Sanctions Statistics – update on developments
Tom Davies, Department for Work and Pensions to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
NHS England’s official response to new research on’Early lntervention in Psychosis’
Norman Lamb MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Oil and Gas Analytical Bulletin
Lewis Macdonald, The Scottish Parliament to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Household projections in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Third Annual Survey of Liaison Psychiatry in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Will Moy, Full Fact
Mental health statistics: letter from Full Fact
Will Moy, Full Fact to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Non-domestic rating: stock of properties and update of 2017 revaluation statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Pedro Wrobel, Valuation Office Agency
Statements regarding school funding
Angela Rayner MP, House of Commons to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
International migration roundtables summary
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Iain Bell, Office for National Statistics
Response on mental health spending
Simon Stevens, NHS England to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Mental health spending
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Simon Stevens, NHS England
Accident and emergency waiting time statistics
Carwyn Jones, Welsh Government to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Removal of National Statistics status for Entertainment Licensing Statistics.
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Paul Crawford, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Comments about the UK’s financial contribution to the EU
to Sir David Norgrove, UK Statistics Authority
Regarding Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Response to Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) results
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response to Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs): request to discontinue assessment
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Entertainment Licensing Statistics: request to remove National Statistics status
Paul Crawford, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs): request to discontinue assessment
Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Response to further insight into the mental health workforce
Noel Gordon, NHS Digital to Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation
Statistics on Stamp Taxes
Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation to Sean Whellams, HM Revenue and Customs
Response to College Performance Indicators
Martin Smith, Scottish Funding Council to Mark Pont, Office for Statistics Regulation
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor: National Statistics Status of Statistics for England on Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics, and on Absence and Exclusions
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Education
Ed Humpherson to Helen Barugh: Assessment of Statistics on Children’s and Young People’s Social Care in England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Helen Barugh, Ofsted
Ed Humpherson to Roger Halliday: Assessment of Statistics from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Roger Halliday, Scottish Government
Ed Humpherson to Tom Orford: Assessment of Statistics on Public Sector Finances
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Tom Orford, HM Treasury
Ed Humpherson to Jonathan Athow: Assessment of Statistics on Public Sector Finances
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Jonathan Athow, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Siobhan Carey: Assessment of Statistics on Northern Ireland Tourism
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Siobhan Carey, NISRA
Ed Humpherson to Neil McIvor: Assessment of Statistics on Employment and Support Allowance: Outcomes of Work Capability Assessments, Great Britain
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Neil McIvor, Department for Work and Pensions
Ed Humpherson to Ian Cope: Assessment of Population Estimates and Projections
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Ian Cope, Office for National Statistics
Ed Humpherson to Scott Heald: Assessment of Scottish Public and Mental Health Statistics
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Scott Heald, NHS National Services Scotland
Ed Humpherson to Steve Ellerd-Elliot: Assessment of Legal Aid Statistics in England and Wales
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Steve Ellerd-Elliott, Ministry of Justice
Ed Humpherson to David Blunt: Assessment of Firearm and Shotgun Certificates
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to David Blunt, Home Office
Ed Humpherson to June Bowman: Assessment of Statistics on Road Freight
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to June Bowman, Department for Transport
Ed Humpherson to Chris Roebuck: Assessment of National Study of Health and Wellbeing in England – Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Ed Humpherson to Chris Roebuck: Assessment of patient outcome statistics: Summary hospital-level mortality indicator: deaths associated with hospitalisation; England
Ed Humpherson, Office for Statistics Regulation to Chris Roebuck, NHS Digital
Richard Alldritt to Duncan Millard: Assessment of Emissions Statistics
Richard Alldritt, Office for Statistics Regulation to Duncan Millard, Department of Energy and Climate Change